1997年,在担任执业建筑师30年的职业生涯后,我感到需要改变行业。在目睹了新兴的数字革命和复杂性以及太多迟到,预算障碍的噩梦之后,我有机会与总部位于亚特兰大的Holder Construction Co.合作进行了两个项目,然后我加入了他们的员工。18luck官网

While architectural colleagues accused me of moving to the dark side, my newfound construction associates believed I had seen the light. Whatever the illumination, I spent the next 20 years working with more than 80 design firms on different projects, in the penumbra between design and construction, enabling and managing design.

在我的新工作五年后,Holder开始与佐治亚州奥尔巴尼的Flint Riverquarium的Antoine Predock建筑师合作。当我认识他们的项目建筑师Sam Sterling时,我自豪地将我的角色描述为“可以说两种语言”和的人“可以将意图转化为施工形式。”


Sam looked at me and said, “You know, Mike, I mentioned that to Antoine. He said, ‘Watch out, he’s a dual agent!’ ” It gave us a good laugh, even though the sentiment is emblematic of the mistrust that lurks between our professions.

尽管有几个世纪的实践,但管理设计的艺术和科学仍然是新主题。Scant literature exists to inform us. Little research or applied science exists to bridge the disparate cultures of designers, contractors and owners. Most books on managing design approach the subject from a pure management point of view, as if design were an objective, measurable set of tasks. That is far from the truth.

But the “change or perish”’ mantra has become a cause célèbre in the building industry. To write about it, I found interesting people and interviewed 40 of them, each unique and with a passion for change. I still can’t say how the industry’s dilemmas will be resolved. Maybe an omniscient, benevolent government overlord can figure out how to fix the building industry’s malaise? Until then, we’re all we’ve got: enlightened owners, change-ready contractors, and fed-up architects, students and teachers determined to go about things in a smarter way together, starting with figuring out how to manage ourselves.

在1970年代,在安阿伯(Ann Arbor)的一个安静的研究生院夏季,我得知了詹姆斯·希尔顿(James Hilton)1933年的经典著作《迷失的地平线》(Lost Horizo​​n)。我吞噬了它 - 明智,欣赏。我发现了什么?香格里拉的山谷是一个神话般的和平与兄弟情谊的神话般的地方,没有人变老。僧侣和公民在一个规则下与和谐相处的地方:善良。对于如何设计和构建项目而不是战斗和烧毁,这不是一个很好的先例吗?18luck官网那是乌托邦式的幻想吗?也许。

How To Manage Design

H之前我认为的简要概述。设计师一个nd builders should develop and offer early strategic programming and advisory services to owners. They could create programs, design solutions and budget parameters geared to shape smarter projects. Architects can reshape their future by declaring victory over old ways, thinking of new ones and dispensing with any grousing and griping. And out with the lone wolf persona—the future needs positive, collaborative designers who aren’t afraid of transparency and team work.


A few years after working with his firm, I ran into Antoine Predock at the American Institute of Architects national convention in Los Angeles, moments after he had been awarded AIA’s Gold Medal. After I congratulated him, he was quick to remember “how great it was to work with Holder.” We’d succeeded in getting our project back on budget and realizing its vision. It was nice to learn I was no longer seen as “a dual agent.” Not long after, Sam put it this way: “Without you guys pulling us out of the budget inferno we wouldn’t have had a project.”

我f you have an idea for a column, please contact Viewpoint Editor Richard Korman atkormanr@enr.com