
加利福尼亚州长滩命名辛西娅·吉里(Cynthia Guidry)its airport director. A civil engineer and 14-year aviation executive, she most recently was deputy executive director of Los Angeles World Airports, which operates and manages LAX and Van Nuys airports. Set to start in late July, she takes over as the airport undertakes a terminal-improvement program, which it says is one of the facility’s largest projects in its 96-year history.

位于德克萨斯州的环境和基础设施EPC服务以及灾难响应的全球全球提供商APTIM已雇用了两名专门从事联邦工作的高管。Alan Weakley现在是政府服务总裁。最近,他是国防物流承包商Janus全球业务总裁兼首席运营官,并且是URS Corp.前副总裁。Gerard“ Gerry” Decker被任命为执行副总裁兼首席成长官,是AECOM国家安全计划集团的总裁。

兰迪·鲍威尔has joined Embrey Partners, Ltd., a San Antonio builder-developer as executive vice president of construction. Previously, he was senior vice president at Yates Construction, managing public and private sector projects. In prior positions, he led Clark Pacific’s general contracting division and was president of Walsh Construction’s Northern California division.

Brian T. Pallasch,美国土木工程师协会的政府关系和基础设施倡议前董事总经理已加入国际建筑封闭顾问研究所,担任首席执行官兼执行副总裁。该小组倡导屋顶,防水和外墙规格和设计专家。

威廉·马洛(William Marlowe)将于9月9日加入水质专业人士倡导组织水环境联合会,担任执行董事。他是持牌土木工程师,目前是美国制药科学家协会的执行董事,并在建筑规范研究所担任该职务。WEF有35,000名成员。

丽莎·凯has joined engineer-consultant NV5 Global Inc. in an undisclosed executive role after the firm’s acquisition, announced June 16, of Alta Environmental L.P., an air- and water-quality consultant, of which she was president. Forty staffers also join NV5.


Tapped by George Washington University, Washington, D.C., as dean of its School of Engineering and Applied Science as of Aug. 15 isJohn Lach,弗吉尼亚大学的电气和计算机工程教授兼前系主任。


威廉“艾克”白now is managing the U.S. Energy Dept.’s Office of Environmental Management, joining the agency arm that runs its $7-billion-a-year nuclear waste cleanup program at 16 sites, according to交换监视器,an industry sector publication. Named as senior adviser, he replacesAnne Marie White(no relation), who resigned in May as assistant energy secretary for environmental management after 15 months, reportedly over policy disagreements with top DOE officials, says the publication.

Ike White could be named acting assistant secretary. He had been associate principal deputy administrator of the semi-autonomous National Nuclear Security Administration.