In May, Wood Group entered a new one-year contract with Chevron Australia to provide subsea integration and flow assurance front-end engineering design (FEED) services for the Jansz-lo compression project offshore of Western Australia. This project will maintain gas supply to the existing Gorgon LNG facility. Wood will serve as system integrator of the technology, providing independent flow assurance, subsea design and construction engineering support during the FEED process. This will be the first Australian project to use subsea compression technology. In 2017, Wood signed a global master services agreement with Chevron that enables the company to deliver conceptual engineering, pre-FEED, FEED detailed design and procurement services in multiple locations across the operator’s global onshore and offshore asset portfolio.

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Sabine Pass Lng

In June, Cheniere Energy gave Bechtel full notice to proceed on the construction of Cheniere’s Train 6 expansion of the Sabine Pass Liquefaction (SPL) project in Cameron Parish, La. Work on the SPL expansion includes construction of a new LNG train and tie-in to existing facilities. The expansion will add 4.5 million tonnes of LNG per year to the plant’s current capacity of 22.5 million tonnes. Bechtel has provided numerous services to Cheniere on the SPL complex since 2006. Additionally, NextDecade awarded Bechtel an EPC contract in May for the first phase of the Rio Grande LNG project in Brownsville, Texas.

Phillips 66

6月10日,Phillips 66宣布合资企业,建造一条管道,将石油从落基山脉和Bakken油田转移到俄克拉荷马州的库欣,并建立了第二家合资企业,以建立一个管道系统,将石油从库什(Cushing)带到墨西哥湾沿岸。Phillips 66和Bridger Pipeline将合作建造16亿美元的自由管道,以供库欣。菲利普斯说,服务可能早在2021年第一季度开始。菲利普斯(Phillips)将与Plains All American合作,以建立红橡木管道系统。该系统将从库欣转移到德克萨斯州沿海地区。这项耗资25亿美元的项目也可能在2021年之前在线。菲利普斯发言人说,路线尚未公开,工程服务的合同也是机密的。



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