Sam Hassoun是全球领导力联盟公司(GLA)的创始人兼总裁,专门针对机构,组织和建筑项目的协作缓解(CDM)系统开发和实施。18luck官网他在贝克特(Bechtel)开始了自己的工程生涯,然后于1988年加入了加利福尼亚运输部(CALTRANS)。在伙伴办公室负责人中,他负责制定和纳入合作原理和规格,并将其纳入建筑项目,并开创了首个Caltrans作为首个Caltrans作为18luck官网公共机构有在线绩效措施。Hassoun拥有加州大学伯克利分校的调解和冲突解决证书。他目前的项目之一是18luck官网杰拉尔德·德斯蒙德桥的更换。


GLA was founded in 2001 for the sole purpose of partnering and working collaboratively on construction projects utilizing talent, skills and expertise of stakeholders and people involved in “building” the project, rather than placing their energy in positioning, filing claims, and resorting to arbitration or litigation to resolve their disputes.

You started off at Caltrans with this kind of partnering work. Who or what inspired you to push this more collaborative approach?

The trend of filling arbitrations as a method to resolving disputes on construction contracts was on an exponential rise at Caltrans. In 1999 I was appointed as the Office Chief to incorporate Partnering specification and principles as an alternative way to arbitration and litigation for mitigating disputes.

Over time, I realized that specification alone is not enough to have a cultural change. Showing the hard data and results of collaborative working relation vs the traditional us and them was needed. Engineers and contractors are data-driven result-oriented beings. That was my inspiration to demonstrate factual outcomes.




最后,我们在合作奖项中建立了年度卓越奖,这是对项目团队的享有声望的认可(not individuals)满足并超过标准。它是以AGC的Marvin M. Black杰出合作奖的模型进行的。

Can you describe some of the ROI manifestations that started to occur?

尽管建筑合同有所增长,但针对Caltrans的仲裁申请数量已大大减少。目前,Caltrans计算出每笔投资合作的每一美元的节省$ 88。


The title of my presentations (and my future book) isThe Ambassador:如何成为您行业的使节以及为什么您的生存取决于它。头两年的目标是代表所有者,主要是公共工程机构的居民工程师。要点是:

  1. We are going through rapid and exponential change due to technology explosion in our everyday life. This change is fast and disruptive to the old ways of doing business
  2. Unless we embrace and manage this change, we will be left behind and become obsolete
  3. 保持相关和吸引青年进入我们行业的方式是发展我们的“大使”技能,并成为教练和导师
  4. The best way to do that is to find our natural strengths, what we are gifted at and born to do. There are may websites and tools that can assist in this diagnosis (Gallup Clifton Strength Finder is an example)
  5. Develop those strengths through professional groups or coaching. The intent here is to grow these strengths and have others (youth mainly), look up to us as Ambassadors representing our industry.



Some public works agencies have fully adopted partnering as their way of doing business, such as the Contra Costa Transportation Agency (CCTA). It took their top leader to push it, walk it and live it. Now CCTA as an agency has had zero claims for at least the last five years. In addition, the bids are on average 20% below other agencies. Contractors know they will be treated fairly and do not have to budget for claims, delays or mediation. CCTA eliminated Dispute Review Boards from its specs, and still get A-list contractors bidding on projects.

CCTA recognizes that cash flow is critical to the livelihood of contractors. Though its specification calls for 15-day prompt payment on invoices, it manages to electronically pay contractors within four days of approved invoices.


How do you entice engineers and leaders, who are notoriously like “herding cats,” to attend meetings so regularly?

Sessions are streamlined and do not last more than 4 hours for kickoff sessions, 2-3 hours for follow-up, and 2 hours max for executive sessions. In many instances, we ask the project team to vote for the MVP (Most Valuable Partner). We emphasize how each one of us can make a difference and celebrate milestones when they happen.



Shifting focus from individual or position interest to project focus is what partnering success is all about. Convincing and demonstrating project success is a gain for all stakeholders.

在杰拉尔德·戴斯蒙德桥(Gerald Desmond Bridge),提醒利益相关者这种标志性结构的重要性以及如何在该项目中组装出最佳人才,在该项目无法解决任何可能的问题。这一挑战以及不断提醒我们为什么要参加该项目,有助于在问题上而不是个人或实体的挑战期间保持重点。

Innovation happens, which leads to exponential results. The Fix I-5 project in Sacramento was another example, where the contact called for over 300 working days (detours, night work and delays) and ended up with only 60 days of full closure with detours, media communication and traffic management. Everyone was a winner!


