
110建筑公司是翅ted in ENR Texas & Louisiana’s Top Contractors ranking. Combined, these firms reported nearly $45 billion in regional revenue for 2018 across the five-state region of Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma and Texas. Last year’s top 110 firms reported $42.8 billion in regional revenue, above 2016’s $41.4 billion.

ENR Texas & Louisiana 2019 Top Contractors


The top 10 Arkansas contractors reported $578.27 million in state-wide revenue in 2018, compared with $740 million in 2017. However, commercial construction in Arkansas for the past two years has been “good,” especially in the northwest and northeast corners of the state and in central Arkansas, says Roger L. Marlin, president and CEO of Hydco Inc. and president of the board of directors at AGC Arkansas.

“最近允许赌场赌博的合法化已促进了几项备受瞩目的项目,包括一份2.5亿美元的合同,以在Southland Park的西孟菲斯增加一个新的赌场综合大楼,并在Oak18luck官网lawn Park的Hot Springs进行了1亿美元的项目[将增加]一家酒店还有其他赌场空间。”马林说。“还计划在Pine Bluff和Russellville建造类似项目。”18luck官网


Some of the other notable projects across the state include a $142-million expansion at the Lockheed Martin facility in Camden and a $300-million project in Siloam Springs for Simmons Foods.

AGC密西西比州执行董事鲍勃·威尔逊(Bob Wilson)说,在密西西比州,建筑物在过去一年中的平均水平已经从中等程度上升到高于平均水平。尽管基础设施支出是平坦的,但谨慎的乐观情绪会改善该行业。

The top 10 Mississippi contractors on this year’s ranking reported $764 million in state-wide revenue, compared with $632 million in 2017.



Amid flat infrastructure spending, many of Mississippi’s transportation contractors are looking for work outside the state, Wilson notes.


In recent years, there have been fewer government contracts and more private projects, Wilson says. But local industry hopes there will be increased government spending and a focus on infrastructure following the election this fall, he adds.


Looking north to Oklahoma, the market has remained steady and grown over the past several years, says Larry Rooney, president of Manhattan Construction Group.


“We continue to see an influx of manufacturing and industrial projects throughout the state, while the hospitality and gaming sectors also continue to be strong,” Rooney adds. “Oklahoma City, in particular, has also continued its recent trend of urban development projects as well as improvements to the highway systems around the city.”

该州的备受瞩目的项目包括曼18luck官网哈顿进行的俄克拉荷马国会大厦内部改建;Thackerville的Chickasaw Nation Border Casino;以及塔尔萨的考克斯商业中心的现代化。


Some of the company’s revenue growth came from multiple projects in North Texas, including the $1-billion Globe Life Field in Arlington and Village Town Center in Dallas.


路易斯安那州AGC首席执行官肯·纳金(Ken Naquin)表示,路易斯安那州的建设在2018年有些停滞,但令人鼓舞。



新奥尔良新奥尔良的主要基础设施改进也将导致更多的商业和住宅发展。“我们将继续看到雨水管理计划进入所有重大的翻新和新建筑项目,”这是新奥尔良市的强烈执行,尤其是“随着我们的社区继续看到这些重大和频繁的降雨事件,” Flower说。18luck官网。


Major projects now underway include the $470-million redevelopment of the former World Trade Center in New Orleans into a Four Seasons Hotel.

此外,DOTD最近授予了两个设计建设项目:耗资7500万美元的Barksdale Airbase/Stor18luck官网tate 20 Access以及新的1亿美元新奥尔良机场航站楼的1.25亿美元入口,Naquin补充说。


“我们已经看到了许多围绕石化行业的工作,这不仅对我们,而且对整个行业都取得了成功。在过去的18个月中,许多公司都看到了许多公司的增长。”特纳总裁斯蒂芬·托普斯(Stephen Toups)说。

该公司在2018年的区域收入中获得了大约2.5亿美元的收益,这是今年排名最高的26亿美元。特纳(Turner)是查尔斯湖(Lake Charles)的数十亿美元的Sasol Ethane和衍生工具项目的一部分,去年在德克萨斯州格雷戈里(Gregory)的1.235亿美元墨西哥湾沿海增长企业单乙二醇(MEG)项目中破土动工。墨西哥湾沿岸的增长企业是Sabic和Exxonmobil的合资企业。

“We’re again optimistic for this year. There’s a lot of proposed projects on the horizon that still have yet to receive final approval,” Toups adds. “I think our responsibility is, as these companies are looking to expand what they’re doing, is we need to be able to do more with less. The industrial construction market needs to be able to make one plus one equal three.”

Among the biggest concerns for Louisiana is the failure of the Legislature to address long-term infrastructure revenue, Naquin says. “There are 13 Southern states, 12 of which have addressed their long-term infrastructure revenue. Only Louisiana has not. We have tried now twice to increase that funding, and on both occasions the Legislature has failed to act,” Naquin says. “We have already lost over $60 billion of industrial work to Texas because of our poor infrastructure system.”


Texas construction remains strong. The state’s top 10 contractors reported $11.48 billion in state-wide revenue for 2018, just outpacing the $11.46 billion reported in 2017.

奥斯汀商业市场营销业务开发总监克里斯托弗·吉斯(Christopher Guice)指出,北德克萨斯州的建设在今年上半年一直保持强大。他说,该地区将继续看到公共和私营部门的发展,高级技术,教育,办公室,医疗保健和酒店市场细分市场。

“In the Houston market, we feel bullish about 2019-2020. We are seeing increased market activity across the board for aviation, health care, higher education and office,” Guice says. “Many clients in the Houston market are as busy now as any point over the last 5 to 7 years.”


Guice说,得克萨斯州建设的两个主要驱动因素仍然是企业和人口增加的涌入。奥斯汀商业公司的母公司奥斯汀工业公司(Austin Industries)看到,由于达拉斯 - 沃思(Dallas-Fort Worth),奥斯汀(Austin)和休斯顿(Houston)在达拉斯 - 沃思(Dallas-Fort Worth)的繁荣工作,区域收入在2018年增加了3.5亿美元至15.7亿美元。

“In fact, for 2019 we are forecasting similar revenue and growth for much of the state. In the North Texas region alone, Austin became the first construction management firm in a calendar year to hit more than $1 billion in revenue for D-FW,” Guice says.


去年年度承包商韦伯(Webber)在2018年在德克萨斯州,俄克拉荷马州和阿肯色州的项目中看到了增长。18luck官网在2018年下半年,韦伯在几个月内赢得了其历史上两项最大的硬竞标合同 - 奥斯汀县的2.79亿美元州际公路10号公路项目和3.41亿美元的3.41亿美元州际公路35号公路35号项目德克萨斯州。

总裁兼首席执行官何塞·卡洛斯·埃斯特万(Jose Carlos Esteban)说,韦伯(Webber)进入了2019年,其积压量超过12亿美元,其中部德克萨斯州地区办公室自两年前开业以来一直在扩大。他说,得克萨斯州的工作竞争,尤其是重型的民事和商业广告 - 很激烈。

“We are seeing multiple bidders hitting within a few percentage points every time. We’ve narrowly won and lost projects by just a few thousand dollars,” Esteban says. “While these losses always sting, our backlog is strong and our clients continue to see the value proposition for getting the job done faster.”