They are impatient CEOs and ambitious problem-solvers, but also generous mentors, deep-thinking visionaries and committed social activists—with the right mix of talent, experience, foresight, drive and empathy to tackle construction’s persistent challenges and help lead it into a new era of technology transformation and business boom.

The individuals selected by a行业法官小组由于E新利lucknr在2019年的全国20岁以下40岁以下40岁以下的40岁以下,有足够的行业经验,可以知道什么有效,什么无效,以及创造变化并使之坚持下去的唯心主义和精力。


有些人是在复杂的新角色中可见的,并没有确定的回报。Myesha McClendon是Milhouse Engineering&Construction的第一位黑人女性工程经理,然后推出了航空业务,该实践现已在芝加哥的三个机场完成了30多个项目。18luck官网

从圣路易斯承包商S.M.马克·科克伦(Mark Cochran)威尔逊(Wilson)成为其第一位首席运营官,自2016年以来,利润下降了500万美元,并成为全面的劳工集体谈判者。

有些人也致力于确保a future pipeline, inspiring others on the job or through outside pro bono efforts. Parsons’ California manager Robert Davis mentors San Francisco teens in a summer program that showcases the city's environmental infrastructure and its career possibilities to urban high school students.

桑顿·托马塞蒂(Thornton Tomasetti)主管约翰·巴里(John Barry)设计了百老汇建筑套装,其中包括用于一次生产的雨雨泵系统。

Susan Stabler在担任Brasfield&Gorrie副总裁的角色中,并在总部位于阿拉巴马州承包商的女子网络集团和其他新的多样性车辆中领导了五年。

In recognizing the Top 20, ENR this year also tasked them to become a think tank—offering ideas in four critical industry challenge areas: workforce growth and diversity, project delivery and productivity, sustainability and resilience, and infrastructure investment advocacy.
