在讨论可持续发展和建设role in enhancing it, the Top 20 team members did some creative thinking.


“There’s so much waste in the processes that we use to get to the end product,” which has a huge impact on efficiency and cost, says Pasco Umbriac, Clark Construction Group LLC vice president. “It just seems crazy in 2019 that we still throw away packs of plywood every day,” he says.

Acentech architectural acoustics group director Benjamin Markham agrees, adding concerns about embodied carbon in materials discarded after demolitions.


Team Sustainability

本杰明·马克汉姆(Benjamin Markham)

Ashley Lickliter

Clark Construction Group LLC副总裁
Bethesda, Md.

Vice President, Thornton Tomasetti
New York City

Kelly Daniel
Austin Operations Manager/Client Account Manager, Kleinfelder



True, the young professionals admit, it could be hard to convince designers and owners that a project’s components aren’t as unusual as they think.

A bigger hurdle, they believe, is that only regulations will force adoption of new products and processes. Otherwise, owners and team members would likely choose the cheapest, not greenest, options.

“我从事许多公共项目,所以我认为我从18luck官网不同的角度讲话,因为我们正在与有限的资金合作,”金利·霍恩(Kimley-Horn)副总裁Ashley Lickliter说。“就像,如果您决定做X项目,那是另外1500万美元,钱来自哪里?”



His suggestion is to create more incentives such as tax credits and other approaches to drive down first costs.

超级风暴桑迪(Superstorm Sandy)在2012年猛击东海岸之后,官员和项目所有者对抗洪水造成的危害建筑感到认真。桑顿·托马塞蒂(Thornton Tomasetti)副总裁约翰·巴里(John Barry)说:“在纽约市,我似乎拥有的每个项目都有一些洪水组成部分。”“这在城市中几乎是常规的 -​​ 毛壁,门上的洪水木头……并在可能的情况下抬高地板。”

Barry also points out that to improve energy conservation, it makes more sense to swap out facades than windows, and Clark Construction’s Umbriac adds that his firm has been replacing the envelope systems of many buildings.

Lickliter of Kimley-Horn notes that in historical areas such as greater Richmond, Va., that has to be done while also observing community demands for both new and renovated buildings to harmonize with what came before—like the distinctive exterior red brick of old tobacco warehouses.

Carbon Footprint

当谈话转向环保材料时,也是地质学家的克莱因·奥斯汀(Kleinfelder Austin)运营经理凯利·丹尼尔(Kelly Daniel)以一个刚刚开始在该行业中引起关注的想法激发了她的同龄人。

“It would be really interesting if we started to assign value to materials, such as a carbon footprint [number], like we do with health and safety metrics,” she says. Some clients pick contractors based on their safety record, she notes.

“If we had a carbon impact rating that drove some decision-making, developers, governments and other entities would likely be excited to use the system to develop cleaner practices.” But Daniel adds: “We’d have to have … a regulatory entity that would drive it.”

最后,该小组辩论了更广泛的可持续性问题,例如,到2030年,三分之二的全球人口如何生活在城市中。除了建造可行的大众运输外,更改分区代码以创建混合用途区域,例如,允许父母能够让父母能够允许父母live within walking or bicycling distance of their children’s day care and a quick train to work.

But there’s another benefit, particularly when eliminating zoning for single-family structures, as was done under recent laws enacted in Oregon and Minneapolis.



本杰明·马克汉姆(Benjamin Markham)once performed for Pope John Paul II as part of a choir.

Ashley Lickliter上大学成为兽医。



Kelly Daniel在得克萨斯州加尔维斯顿的19世纪高船Elissa上长大。

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