Two popular tools for collecting project data, BuildingConnected and PlanGrid, previously operated in their own silos.
Both companies were acquired by by San Rafael, Calif.-based Autodesk in the last year, and their corporate parent has announced a data integration
between them.

Kansas City-based CRB is a design-builder that offers planning, design and construction services and bills itself as "one solution" for clients looking to take on a building project. A new project data connection between two tools it previously used, now owned by San Rafael. Calif.-based Autodesk, could make it easier to share data on their design and construction projects.

长期以来,CRB已经使用Plangrid进行了项目管理,并通过建筑物连接进行预构建数据收集。两家公司的新公司父母Autodesk宣布,现在可以与Plangrid共享所有来自Building Connected的项目数据 - 两者均在去年获得 - 作为其简化其产品之间连接的一部分。Building Connected已经允许CRB简化其项目数据收集。现在,他们希望看到从将该信息转移到plangrid进行实际构造的类似收益。

"If we didn't have BuildingConnected, I would have to create a file, share it with our estimating department, and they would have to go into that file... everything would have to be created by us," says Rob Genge, construction manager at CRB. "So, we were having to use our own Excel sheets. Everything was a file that we saved on a server somewhere, and with BuildingConnected it's all in the cloud. It's all saved for you. It's all accessible by whoever you want to get access to it. And on top of that, it all has the same format. So all of our clients see the same format, whether we use the leveling sheets, they all look the same. All of our subs see the same bid forms."

Autodesk says this integration allows project managers to automatically push design and preconstruction files from BuildingConnected to PlanGrid.

“我们最终要做的是,我们将提供一个全面的集成平台,该平台确实无缝连接办公室,预告片和领域,从设计,通过协作,设计合作过程,以实现前面的构造,”,Autodesk的建筑解决方案副总裁兼总经理Jim Lynch说。

Lynch acknowledged that such a goal is very lofty with so many different ways of warehousing and protecting project data in the field today, even within Autodesk's own technology portfolio.

“我们不是建立big crescendo... this big integrated unified platform," Lynch says. "We're stepping toward it in the right way, and that's what these integrations are. These integrations are steps towards an integrated workflow."

The company has been touting similar technology connections between other recent acquisitions such as Assemble Systems and tools that it has managed far longer such as the building information modeling authoring tool, Autodesk Revit.

“这确实是组织的整体策略的一部分,对于我们来说,连接,从上到下以及我们正在与之合作的整个贸易伙伴之间进行更好的联系,”虚拟设计和建设Mike Mehrwin说18luck官网CRB的经理。“它还可以帮助我们能够利用其中的数据分析部分。”


"If I take all my sub-contractors from BuildingConnected and I'm doing the award or the notice to proceed or whatever you want to call it, from there, that I'm able to take that group of subs and that group of information and put it on PlanGrid is very powerful," Genge says. "I'm able to share all that information out to all those people without having to do [each one] as individual parts. That saves me probably two weeks worth of work."