为了大大推动美国新兴的海上风能市场,丹麦风开发商Orsted于9月19日宣布了GE Renewables的“近海风能大型涡轮”的首次全球商业部署 - 现在在欧洲进行了12兆瓦的Haliade-X - 现在在欧洲进行了测试 -它的拟议风电场在马里兰州和新泽西州海岸附近。

Compared to New York City's Chrysler Building in height, about 853 ft, the new turbine has the largest capacity on the market and a rotor diameter of 220 meters.

学科to a final contract and project approvals, the turbines will be installed at the 120-MW Skipjack wind farm set to be built off the coast of Ocean City, Md. and at New Jersey’s 1,100-MW Ocean wind farm planned off Atlantic City—the state’s first project and currently the largest offshore capacity award in the U.S. Together these form Orsted’s Mid-Atlantic Cluster.

The Haliade-X represents about a $400-million R&D investment by GE.

Swedish offshore wind developer Vattenfall also has indicated plans to deploy the Haliade-X in its North and Baltic Sea projects, part of an estimatedglobal offshore wind market预报员估计到2050年将增长到1,000吉瓦

"By dramatically improving efficiencies for installation services, balance of plant components and operations and maintenance over an offshore wind farm’s lifetime, the addition of 12-MW turbines to our projects positions us to further improve the reliability of energy produced by green, offshore wind in the U.S.,” said Orsted North American President Thomas Brostrom. “Today’s announcement brings us one step closer to a fully-fledged American offshore wind industry.”

Also propelling the U.S. market was the Sept. 19 announcement that Dominion Energy will build more than 2,600 MW of offshore wind in three phases, starting power generation in 2024 and continuing though 2026 with more than 220 turbines in a 112,800-acre leased area off the Virginia coast at Virginia Beach.

It would become the nation's largest development when completed, at an estimated $7.8 billion project cost.

该公用事业公司向电网操作员提交了申请,以将项目互连到传输网格。奥斯特德(Orsted)此前曾开发了Dominion Energy的12兆瓦飞行员海上风项目,该项目将于2020年部署。



Power Pricing


The award and the state’s procurement schedule are considered to be critical to give manufacturers the confidence needed to make the investments require to set up a local supply chain and manufacturing, says Liz Burdock, CEO and president, Business Network for Offshore Wind.

Orsted's Ocean Wind project also won approval from New Jersey regulators on Sept. 16 for capacity interconnection rights at the former Oyster Creek nuclear power plant in Lacey Township, which advocates say could reduce costs to connect to the regional transmission system, although transmission costs remain undetermined, according to online publicationNJ Spotlight.

Other industry participants cite the low price for the New Jersey project's generated power as a critical driver. Orsted offered a first-year price of $98.10/MWh with the actual cost paid by ratepayers estimated to be $46.46/MWh after energy and capacity revenues are refunded to ratepayers. The increase to residential ratepayers is estimated at $1.46.

The award brings to 2,000 MW Orsted’s offshore wind portfolio in the Northeast and mid-Atlantic U.S. regions to be completed between 2022 and 2024.


Orsted has an agreement with the state’s largest utility owner, PSEG, to provide energy management services.

Still unclear is whether and how the state and federal regulators will approve a proposal by Anbaric Development Partners for a right-of-way to develop an offshore grid system to serve multiple regional developers, using several offshore collector platforms, each connected to one or more high voltage subsea export cables to onshore points.
