根据Dodge Data&Analytics的数据,在2019年的前八个月中,与去年同期相比,建筑业开始下降了5%。数据显示,下降是由于住宅和非住宅建筑的下降所致。由电气和天然气工作刺激的非建造建筑比2018年的前八个月高3%。

“Heading into 2019, we had expected to see the residential sector pull back from levels reached over the past several years, and that scenario is playing out as expected,” says Richard Branch, chief economist at Dodge Data & Analytics. “Both single and multifamily housing have turned the corner and are now heading downward.”


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ENR 3Q Cost Report 2019

While non-residential work declined 7% overall, commercial building starts increased 3% year-to-date, due to a rise in office, warehouse and parking lot construction. Branch notes that the boost in office construction was not expected, and is largely caused by large projects such as the new Amazon headquarters in Arlington, Va., and data centers.


On the material side, IHS Markit is predicting a 10.4% decrease in softwood lumber for 2019, revised from the 11.6% drop forecasted last quarter. ENR’s 20-city average price for lumber is currently 8.5% below this time last year.

“虽然我们预期略微softw价格复苏ood lumber in the second half of 2019, the increase in prices [spurred by mill curtailments and closures] will be counterbalanced by a lower demand profile,” says Deni Koenhemsi, senior economist, pricing and purchasing, at IHS Markit. “These two opposing dynamics will keep prices in check for the rest of 2019.”

IHS Markit预见到2020年木材增长了3.3%,比第二季度的3%预测略有上升。

新利luckENR的钢铁平均价格为20个城市的平均价格比去年这段时间高2.3%,这与IHS Markit对2019年增长2%的预测一致。

“Steel is defined by tepid demand and booming production—an unstable combination,” says John Anton, director of steel analytics at IHS Markit. “China and India are the culprits for overproduction. Other regions were late to react, but they are not really to blame for surplus or low prices.”


IHS Markit预测明年钢铁价格下跌1.2%。“我们将非常仔细地观看生产数据。米尔斯已经宣布了削减,但实际上并没有达到影响力。”安东说。

Looking forward to the fourth quarter of 2019 and beyond, construction is expected to continue to slow. Henry D’Esposito, senior research analyst at real estate services firm JLL, describes the outlook for 2020 as “increasingly dim,” citing tariffs as a leading cause. “The volatility around current trade policy has created headaches for cost estimators who are being forced into worst-case assumptions without any way to accurately predict future tariffs,” he says.
