Canadian steel companies are blasting a federal government decision to exempt two giant LNG projects in British Columbia from punitive duties on cheaper Chinese steel. The Canadian Institute for Steel Construction contends the decision will potentially cost hundreds of thousands of jobs in the steel industry and in construction.

The Canadian International Trade Tribunal levied duties on imports of fabricated structural steel after China, South Korea and Spain “were found to be illegally dumping into Canada,” CISC claims.

该贸易小组在最近的一份报告中指出,不受惩罚性关税的威胁,计划中的12亿美元木纤维LNG和300亿加元的加拿大项目的开发商将从中国和其他国家 /地区进口大量的模块化领域,其中所有“所有”领域将拥有所有的“所有”。18luck官网设备和组件预装。”

Modular components will be assembled on site, requiring far fewer workers than typically needed for such large projects, according to CISC. The group estimates the tariff exemptions will result in the loss of more than $31 billion in work for Canadian steelmakers and steel construction firms.

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CISC appealed the tariff decision in Canada’s federal court. “For the government to call their own fair-trade process a trade barrier is dumbfounding,” said Ed Whalen, CISC president and CEO in a statement, terming the decision “very disappointing. This is a hundreds-of-thousands-of-jobs-lost kind of mistake.”

The debate comes at a crucial juncture in plans for tens of billions in new LNG projects along Canada’s west coast, with up to 20 planned as part of a push to rev up the country’s natural gas exports.

荷兰皇家壳牌公司和加拿大液化天然气背后的其他投资者决定在联邦政府免除该项目对中国钢的25%职责后继续前进。Woodfibre项目最近清除了所有必需的监管批准,开发商现在在进行建设之前等待投资者的最后一句话。加拿大财政部长比尔·莫尔诺(Bill Morneau)将其豁免在被认为是重大的推动下。

Developers of big liquified natural gas projects appealed to the government to be exempt from new tariffs on fabricated structural steel imports.


伍德赛德能源公司(Woodside Energy)计划将部分项目股份出售给可能来自中东的新投资者。澳大利亚石油和天然气巨头拥有该项目的50%,合作伙伴雪佛龙公司拥有其余的项目。

壳牌和加拿大液化天然气投资者在向法庭提出索赔时说,如果没有豁免,钢制关税将对该项目产生潜在的巨大影响,冒着未来阶段的风险 - 包括增加的气体液化单位,可以使工厂产能增加一倍。项目官员表示,将会有一个“缩小生产目标,延误和投资者的不确定性,以确保任何额外的必需资本。”

At a recent event in Vancouver, CEOs of LNG Canada’s two main backers, Shell Canada and Petronas Canada, disputed CISC’s value estimates on work losses for Canadian firms by the tariff exemptions and offshoring of work. They said the massive, multistory LNG modules set to be built in Asia account for only a portion of the project’s $12.8 billion in hard costs.


位于卡尔加里的IHS Markit自然气体部门分析师Ian Archer说,加拿大钢铁公司无法处理多层结构的制造,并且其他液化天然气项目开发人员将“即使在海外劳动力中也需要豁免”。


公司总裁凯文·吉尔(Kevin Guile)在一份声明中说:“至尊已经采取了空前的步骤来应对当前的市场状况。”