Replacing two Cape Cod Canal bridges for an estimated $1 billion rather than rehabilitating them would be more cost-effective, according to a federal study announced on Oct. 3.

The draft of the long-awaited Major Rehabilitation Evaluationreport,提议与现有的伯恩(Bourne)和萨加莫尔(Sagamore)十字路口平行建造的两个桥梁,其中包括“四个授权的旅行道和另外两条辅助车道……以及适当的自行车/行人通道,”新英格兰区工程师。


The study recommendations for the Massachusetts Rt. 28 Bourne Bridge and the Rt. 6 Sagamore Bridges brings hope of alleviating miles of traffic backups for drivers headed to Cape Cod on summer weekends.

The report notes that an engineering analysis was performed to demonstrate the reliability of major components of the two bridges, including the piers and abutments, the steel trusses supporting the deck and attached to the substructure and the deck.


Additionally, the Massachusetts Dept. of Transportation completed a similar Cape Cod Canal Transportation新利luckon Oct. 7. The MassDOT study lays out options including modifying and improving highway interchanges, and improvements for pedestrian, bicycle and transit access to improve multi-modal travel.


The 84-year-old bridges that cross the Cape Cod Canal are requiring more frequent repair and maintenance that is expensive and frequently snarls traffic in summer.

The Corps and MassDOT have collaborated throughout the bridge study in the interest of providing reliable transportation routes to and from Cape Cod for residents and visitors, according to the Corps10月4日新闻发布.

The Corps has scheduled a series of public meetings on the recommendations of the draft study between Oct. 16 and Oct. 23 and will accept public comments through Nov. 1. The final report will be submitted to the Corps headquarters in Washington D.C. for a decision next February.

马萨诸塞州运输部长斯蒂芬妮·波拉克(Stephanie Pollack)说:“马斯多特一直与美国陆军工程兵团紧密合作,因为我们俩都有责任确保公众可以安全有效地在开普敦和大陆之间行驶。当我们每个人都采取措施替换我们拥有的运输基础设施时,我们将仔细研究预定的建筑时机,以便以这样的方式进行工作,以便公众仍然可以来上班,享乐或度假。”