Procore Technologies在开创性会议上引入了几种产品。建筑软件专家向所有者,Procore Analytics和Procore社区,在年度会议的第一天,一个反馈和支持网站。超过4,000名与会者在凤凰会议中心开创性。特色演讲者包括前GE副主席Beth Comstock,Rubicon Project Rubicon创始人Jake Wood和电视制片人和主持人Mike Rowe。

"Our mission is and always will be to connect everyone in construction on a global platform," Procore CEO Tooey Courtemanche said at the event's opening address. He promised to use his company's new tools and capabilities to end siloed data for construction projects and create more efficiency. Courtemanche showed off最近发布的BIM模型查看器对于所有iOS设备,并说:“我们正在将业主带入折叠,我们将通过Procore Analytics进行机器学习,使您可以分析诸如Overdue RFIS或仪表板上的Punch列表之类的数据点。”

These two products are integrations of recent Procore acquisitions. Procore Analytics brings the data and platform of Construction BI into Procore's construction management platform. Honest Buildings is now the engine of Procore for Owners, which is a suite of owner-focused project management tools. The suite comprises a capital-planning product, a portfolio-financials product for owners that want visibility into managing bids and subcontractors, and an update of Procore's project management solution customized for owners. Honest Buildings was acquired by Procore in July of this year. Prior to the acquisition, Honest Buildings was being used to manage $20 billion worth of projects for large owners.

EQ办公室总裁兼首席执行官Lisa Picard说:“ [所有者的Procore]为业主提供了机会,不仅可以点亮我们的数据,而且与合作伙伴保持一致,以真正创建我们可以采取的强大行业领先的信息。”皮卡德(Picard)将诚实的建筑物用作建筑管理平台,目的是满足所有者需求的目的。提供证明的其他客户包括波士顿儿童款待,布鲁克菲尔德房地产和普渡大学。

“诚实的建筑物仅专注于为业主提供价值,当在Procore平台上完全集成时,我们将通过提供强大的解决方案来创造更大的价值,该解决方案为总承包商,专业承包商和所有者提供透明度和可访问性,并在单一记录系统,” Courtemanche说。

Riggs Kubiak, who founded Honest Buildings in 2012, assumed the role of Procore senior vice president of owner strategy after the acquisition.

对于分析文章,Construction BI的Power BI应用程序最初是在2017年推出的Procore Marketplace,当时它仍然是哥伦布,俄亥俄州的分析和业务 - 智能应用程序,并提供了其他版本,可用于Microsoft,Sage,Procore和其他平台。8月收购后,它成为Procore Analytics,该工具使用户可以将仪表板上的数据与显示工具(例如人体受伤的热图)进行比较,以进行安全分析或日历上受伤时的时间表。Procore产品报告和分析总监Jason Ramsey表示,为具有不寻常数据集的承包商和所有者创建自定义界面将是业务的一部分。

"There's value in leveraging this data," says Ramsey, who was CEO of Construction BI before the acquisition. "when I launched Construction BI on the Procore platform it expanded what I knew was possible with data to the largest network of construction professionals."

Ramsey said further integration of the Construction BI analytics platform into Procore's construction management platform would continue, as he and his team have only been Procore employees for a little more than a month.

尽管Courtemanche,Ramsey和其他Procore高管在开创性的情况下仍然很紧张,但彭博社reported该Procore正在与高盛集团(Goldman Sachs Group)合作,领导美国首次公开募股,该产品可能将软件制造商重视超过40亿美元。据彭博社称,该IPO可能会在今年晚些时候或2020年初进行。

By Jeff Yoders in Phoenix, Ariz.