AECOM 10月13日宣布已同意出售其管理服务部门,其中包括美国国防和能源部的工作。以及网络安全和信息技术方面的专业知识,以24亿美元的价格向私募股权公司的财团提供。

The AECOM board unanimously approved the deal, which had been set to close in the first half of its fiscal 2020 but now will likely close in January, reports say.. The firm had announced in June its intent to spin off the unit, with pressure from activist investor Starboard Value,


投资公司R.W. Baird的主要建筑部门分析师Andrew Wittman在10月14日的一项指出,衍生计划“与平行的销售流程相匹配,我们相信投资者更喜欢这一计划。”他说:“兴趣包括战略和金融求婚者……而且购买价格比我们预期的要好。”

The new owners are a group led by PE firms American Securities and Lindsay Goldberg. AECOM did not release names of other bidders.

The AECOM unit will be renamed, but John C. Vollmer, management services group president, will continue to lead it “with the existing management team,” the parent firm says.

首席行业部门分析师兼瑞士信贷董事总经理杰米·库克(Jamie Cook)表示,AECOM“仍在退出硬质量/高风险的建筑业务,尽管销售过程需要更长的时间。”她指出,该公司在其剩余的设计业务中提高利润率的预测“至少达到2020财年的8%”。
