设计 - 建造75英特尔快速车道

所有者:佛罗里达州的交通部 - 4区
总承包商:OHL USA Inc./ Commmunity沥青公司
土木工程师/建筑师:Wantman Group Inc.(WGI)

这项2.33亿美元的项目创造了3.1英里的四车道,在75号州际公路的166英尺着中位数内。船员还建造了四个飞行物,五个桥梁和两座桥梁,在I-75的交叉点延长Florida’s Turnpike. Crews constructed two 1,200-ft-long and 1,000-ft-long curved steel super-elevated bridges side by side and only inches apart. To accommodate the construction of the bridge piers in live traffic areas, the team devised a maintenance-of-traffic plan that required only a handful of detours and traffic shifts. The steel structure was set without any closures to I-75. In addition to the express lanes, the team reconstructed the Miami Gardens Drive Interchange, replaced the Bass Creek Road bridge deck and built sound barrier walls along eight neighborhoods.

设计 - 建设团队还消除了对半英里长的划分动脉道路的需求,并在I-75上消除了超过300,000平方英尺的桥式甲板,降低了建筑成本和长期维护成本。18luck.cub完成的Express Lanes提前开放。
