Anticipating disruptive mobility technologies, attracting new talent and figuring out how to do public-private partnerships successfully pose key challenges for public transportation agencies. Whatever the challenges, the presence of transit systems is proving beneficial to communities. A new report found that in seven U.S. regions, real estate values increase according to a property’s proximity to transit stations.

The report, “The Real Estate Mantra: Locate Near Public Transportation,” was released by the American Public Transportation Association and the National Association of Realtors at APTA’s annual conference this month in New York City. It found that communities in Boston; Eugene, Ore.; Hartford, Conn.; Los Angeles; Minneapolis-St. Paul; Phoenix; and Seattle located within a half-mile of transit spent up to $4,400 less per household on transportation costs. Median home sale prices increased as much as 24% between 2012 and 2016 for those communities, and office median prices increased as much as 42%.

“越来越认识到,公共交通作为结缔组织,”APTA总裁兼首席执行官Paul Skoutelas说。Charlie Oppler,2019年NAR的第一副总裁,随着需求不断增长,“分区允许流程必须流线型。开发商有很多机会参与[在过境的发展中]。“

The report also acknowledged the problem of increased property values negatively affecting low- and moderate-income residents. Nuria I. Fernandez, APTA chair and general manager/CEO of the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority, notes that her agency adopted an affordable housing policy for trans-oriented development projects stipulating at least 20% affordable units per development. A 7-acre development at Tamien Station in San Jose will exceed that percentage, she adds.


APTA小组成员表示,虽然私人投资者有很多潜在的私人投资者的潜在过境施工机会目前令人沮丧的设计和施工过程。“在美国,Sumitomo Mitsui银行公司的执行董事Raymond Diprinzio说:”在美国有充足的需求和资本投资的机会,“但项目并未达到市场竞标的那一点。”18luck官网

一个关键问题是,识别基础设施需要超过10年需要将项目进入预设,并为CIBC资本市场全球投资银行投资银行副主席Laurie Mahon。“[确定]需要大大改变,然后”她说。

Gohn Morton,具有全球基础设施合作伙伴的投资委托人补充说,项目特征可能会因工程师和会计师的审查而进一步扭曲。“当项目进入[私人投资者]时,它被殴打并跑过来,”他说。


Lack of in-depth knowledge about delivering P3s is a challenge in the U.S., panelists agreed. DiPrinzio noted that not only does Canada’s Infrastructure Ontario provide consistency in the procurement approach, but also “it has 200 people who do nothing else” but P3s. In the U.S., a transportation agency employee “is asked to do another job along with their day job,” he said.

劳动力and Inclusion

Kimberly Slaughter, an APTA board member and transit/rail market sector leader for HNTB Corp., notes that the demand for talent and future leaders is so urgent that APTA’s leadership program will extend its maximum of 25 candidates to 35 in 2020.

劳动力shortages are also affecting engineering firms like HNTB, she adds. “We are all struggling to hire the same people,” she says.

By Aileen Cho in New York City