设计师和承包商展示了他们如何在10月21日至24日在新加坡举行的Bentley Systems年度的Bentley Systems年度将数字双胞胎从概念流行词到现实世界应用。虽然软件和云服务公司确实宣布了几项战略收购和发展,但大多数重点都放在帮助数百名软件用户的参与度中,以深入研究其项目的整个生命周期,从设计的整个生命周期中深入探讨数字双胞胎18luck官网进行操作。

总部位于迪拜的承包商Alec的4D计划专家Bayan O. Abdel Rahman说:“看到所有软件以及您可以在项目上实际上可以做什么,这是一次了不起的体验。”18luck官网

在声明的一个关键,YII宾利和TopconPositioning Systems publicly took the wraps off a 50-50 joint venture consulting business called Digital Construction Works. DCW will help customers implement digital transformation solutions like advanced work packaging, 4D innovations in surveying, reality modeling, and other advanced tools. The new business will work toward “closing the advancement gap,” says Bentley Systems CEO Greg Bentley. It is the culmination of a five-year alliance between the firms.

Topcon President and CEO Ray O’Connor traced the venture’s roots to academies held in 2016 that brought engineers and contractors together. “What we learned was that engineers are not necessarily discussing with contractors how they do their work. How do you automate the entire workflow if you don't understand how the people you're sending designs to do the work?”

Both Bentley and Topcon have invested human capital as well as money in the integration business. Among the staff of 50 at DCW, Ted Lamboo, the new CEO, was formerly Bentley’s senior vice president of strategic partnerships, and Jason Hallett, the new COO, was a Topcon vice president involved in global business development and digital construction initiatives. DCW is also tapping construction industry domain experts such as Marvin Johnson, a digital twins specialist formerly with Bechtel Corp.

重要的是,Lamboo表示,向客户推荐技术工具时,DCW将是“不可知论的”。它将与客户的旧系统合作,并集成实现客户目标的任何其他工具 - 来自Bentley,TopCon或任何其他供应商的工具。已经进行了DCW工作的客户包括用于Shell的高级工作包实施和Balfour Beatty的咨询。Balfour Beatty的数字项目交付负责人Harry Parnell表示:“将完整的数字构建解决方案(例如DCW提供的业务)实现,将使我们能够实现我们的项目成果和业务目标。”

Lamboo said DCW will be talking to customers about “outcomes-based business models,” particularly on advanced work package implementations, where DCW’s earnings are a percentage of the savings its work generates for the project. An alliance announced with O3 Solutions Inc. helps make that possible. CEO Josh Girvin said O3’s process measurement software measures outcomes and tells users how close or far they are from the project’s goals.

Real-World Project Application


例如,在旧金山的18,000个座位的追逐中心勇士竞技场,莫滕森·克拉克(Mortenson Clark)合资企业在最近的篮球队开场比赛中遇到了不可移动的截止日期,即。Synchro 4D施工建模工具的密集应用协调了五台塔式起重机,两把轨道起重机,36,700个计划的任务和93,000个计划的关系。Mortenson的体育和娱乐综合建筑总监Michal D. Wojtak表示,与Sprint Center Arena相比,这是14亿美元的竞技场“在同一时间范围内的工作量多560%”,Sprint Center Arena是第一个4D的Mortenson Sports Project使用了建模。他说:“ 4D同步建模对我们来说是关键的解决方案。”

在另一个例子中,一个团队创建了一个高分辨率的数字模型,该模型是沙特阿拉伯城市麦地那,这是穆斯林世界的两个伟大圣城之一。五家公司回应了该市提出的高分辨率映射提案的要求。根据AL Khobar AHCEC工程的Geomatics Mute,在Al Khobar的AHCEC工程经理Khalid F. Sallam表示,有四项提议的常规调查,以及一项使用无人机和移动激光雷达映射技术的混合混合物提议。


萨拉姆说:“当我们展示模型时,他们当场说“是”。”That led to a negotiated contract in Dec. 2018, and ACEC’s next challenge, which was to scale up to 50 km and deliver LOD 3 mapping for the entire city, with its 7,104 km of streets, as well as a LOD 4 reality model for The Prophet’s mosque — in one year.

Sallam says the amount of data and processing required was enormous. The company tested four aerial imagery processing services before settling on Bentley’s Context Capture, which was the only one of the ones tested that would allow simultaneous, parallel processing of the same model. It selected off-the-shelf DGI Phantom 4 drones, whose cameras have mechanical, rather than digital shutters to eliminate motion blur.

AHCEC trained five local pilots, but automated the flying using Drone Deploy to eliminate variations in the human pilots’ flying styles. It broke the project up into 7,306 cells, or missions. Each flight automatically ticked off a cell in the project plan as it was completed, and Sallam monitored the progress from his office in Khobar where a 200 Tb NAS filer collected the processed data.

The company also used ground-based, vehicle-mounted data acquisition tools and Orbit GT, a mobile mapping system recently acquired by Bentley, to process and drape still, 360 degree and panoramic imagery on LiDar data, to fill in the blanks in the ancient parts of town where the narrow streets and roof overhangs interfered with drone data acquisition.

The deliverable, by the end of the year, includes a trained set of pilots and technicians with the skills to maintain the model, as well as that big server holding the data. The city planners expect to use the model to help them plan for expanded capacity to accommodate the pilgrims who come to Medina up to 30 million people by 2030, from 8 million who came in 2015, and to increase the capacity of the Prophet’s mosque to 4 million worshipers annually, from the 1 million who came to pray in 2012.

Digital cities has become a “new area of focus” for Bentley Systems, says Greg Bentley. In addition to the acquisition of Orbit GT, Bentley announced the purchase of Citilabs, which provides predictive transportation software that simulates mobility.

But to solve real-world problems with a digital twin of a city, planners must start with a problem to solve and look at it from the citizen’s perspective, says Ayesha Khanna, CEO and co-founder of ADDO AI, in her keynote address. “Too long have smart cities been defined by how high tech they are. We have to stop that now. The kind of smart city that you want is one that is taking care of the needs of its citizens every single day.”

Looking Through the HoloLens

在会议上,显示了有限数量的Microsoft Hololens 2增强现实耳机,并用于个人演示。所示的HoloLens的第二次迭代是在与Bentley Systems的特殊合作伙伴关系中共同开发的运行功能,这使该系统在实用应用方面已经走了多远。

无线单位迪splayed are built into a comfortable head strap similar to the lining of a hard hat, with a knob on the back to adjust fit. The peripheral vision range has been expanded and the translucent lens can fold up for unobstructed vision, although it barely interferes with normal vision when down and superimposed with information and images.




Only a handful of the HoloLens 2 units are in circulation, and Bentley and Microsoft had six pre-production units on display; but Microsoft is said to be close to going into production to deliver a first order batch for the U.S. Dept. of Defense. Bentley's SYNCHRO 4D has been working with the HoloLens since 2016 and officially joined Microsoft's Mixed Reality Partner Program in 2018.