
酋长技术报道说,市场上只有近1,000个Martech工具,五年前。他们正在影响许多在选择正确的技术,跟上更改以及有效使用工具的艰难时期的公司。设计firms and construction companies of all sizes are investing in MarTech to improve their marketing strategies and drive more sales, but recent research from The Society for Marketing Professional Services (SMPS) Foundation shows design firms and construction companies aren’t yet applying these solutions to their fullest potential.

SMPS报告,”为技术供电:Martech的聚光灯" looks at how MarTech tools help design firms and construction companies by allowing deeper understanding and engagement and supports communication with clients and their target audiences. The data also shows that design firms and construction companies aren’t yet applying MarTech solutions—such as social platforms, client relationship management applications, and content management systems — to their fullest potential. The findings and analysis are based on a survey of 500 SMPS members conducted by the SMPS Foundation in conjunction with the Southern Illinois University Edwardsville.


SMP和SMPS基金会首席执行官CAE说:“ [设计公司和建筑公司]开始利用这些强大的系统和高级平台来执行和分析现代营销活动。这项技术,他们的组织正在努力实施这些技术和相关的MARTECH计划。”



  • Martech工具的意识
  • Martech使用的障碍
  • Martech收养背后的司机
  • 交付Martech指标和报告
  • 集成特定于Martech的营销角色和顾问


艾米·柯林斯(Amy Collins)是SMP的研究员,也是Gannett Fleming的设施业务线营销经理。