Each year, ENR Midwest recognizes great projects that move design and construction forward in the 11-state region with the annual Best Projects awards.

在今年的比赛中有97个参赛作品,并挑选了35个最佳项目,奖励优胜者并非易事。18luck官网新利luckEnr Midwest感谢我们独立的法官小组的辛勤工作,以判断我们见过的最强大的项目之一。18luck官网法官是:Viatechnik总裁兼首席执行官Danielle Dy Buncio;Griskelis Young Harrell首席执行官Laura Young;伊利诺伊州路与运输建筑商协会的总裁兼首席执行官迈克尔·斯图里诺(Michael Sturino);Wiss Janney Elstner Associates副校长Steve Zimmerman;特纳建筑公司项目经理Lynda Leigh;Ozinga安全与合规总监Jeff Emrick;Meyer Najem Construction首席战略官Sam Mishelow。他们慷慨地捐赠了自己的时间和专业知识,以判断一群参赛者,这些参赛者从主要的高速公路工作到摩天大楼,水项目和创新的美化环境。18luck官网

Our safety judges, Emrick and Mishelow, faced a particularly tough task in comparing safety projects across a wide swath of project types. Any judges whose companies made awards submissions were recused from judging the categories in which those submissions appeared.


Winners also include a highway that was delivered 17 years earlier than initially planned thanks to an alternative delivery method and a unified project team; a manufacturing plant that takes the waste out of pork production; a water infrastructure fix that saved a city’s water supply; two restorations of historic train stations that relied on inventive construction techniques; and a pedestrian bridge that thanks to a great design and construction delivery was able to span geographic obstacles previously thought insurmountable.