据REAR CALIFORNIA最富有成效的专业契约公司的一些最富有成效的专业契约公18luck官网司的一些最富有成效的专业承包公司,虽然劳动力市场紧密,但技术效率的高需求正在推动收入。18luck.cub新利luck

Thirty-eight firms participated in ENR’s annual Top Regional Specialty Contractors survey and reported combined 2018 revenue for California and Hawaii of $8.03 billion; the top 38 firms from a year earlier posted 2017 regional revenue of $8.25 billion.

“The markets we serve have been extremely robust, and our ability to pursue that work has been directly related to our ability to find resources,” says Tom Sorley, president and CEO of Rosendin Electric, which ranked second overall in the list of largest specialty firms and first among the electric trades. The San Jose, Calif.-based company posted 2018 regional revenue of $835.43 million, down slightly from $865.61 million a year ago, due in part to its renewable group based in Southern California, a market with peaks and valleys. Sorley says Rosendin’s 2020 outlook is similar to 2017, with a big portion of revenue expected from renewables.

新利luckean 2019年度专业承包商

根据美国的相关总承包商,加利福尼亚州于2018年10月0日开始增加34,400个建筑就业岗位,同比增长4%。“建筑就业继续在全国大部分地区经历强劲增长,”AGC的首席经济学家Ken Simonson表示,在最近的一份报告中。“许多公司似乎克服了低失业率的挑战,并通过增加赔偿水平并在培训施工方面相对较少的培训人民中投入更多的劳动力。”


“California is outperforming the U.S. for the same reason it has over the last decade, productivity gains through the employment of labor augmenting technology,” the Anderson report says. “Nevertheless, with recession in the air and a slowing U.S. and world economy, at some point, something will have to give.”

With unemployment rates below 4% in California’s Marin, Santa Clara and Sonoma counties, as well as in East Bay, Orange and San Diego, the state’s economic outlook remains positive despite trade tensions with China—for now. The report warns that when national growth rates begin to dip below 1%, it expects California’s growth to fall in tandem, possibly in the latter part of 2020.

“Over the next 12 months, we expect to see continued investment in new technologies across the industry that will improve safety and increase efficiency,” says Rosendin’s Sorley, the industry’s largest employee-owned firm with more than 6,000 wage earners. The firm is currently renovating Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum, a national landmark built in 1922-23 that has housed two previous Olympics games and is slated to host the 2028 Summer Olympics. “We see great growth opportunities in transportation and all areas, especially with the Olympics coming,” he says.

总裁Michael Schwager Schwager戴维斯公司。, whose firm ranked 36th in the California regional survey, says this year has been strong for both vertical construction and transportation projects, but the lion’s share of Schwager’s new work is shifting to the private sector.

“Our post-tensioning division deserves great credit for this year’s accomplishments in both new construction, such as the NFL [stadium] in Los Angeles, and building renovations to repurpose and extend the life of structures, such as major renovations to what is commonly called the Macy’s building in San Francisco,” says Schwager.

公司的创始人和主席Guido Schwager预计加利福尼亚州的普通部门市场状况将在未来12个月内举行。在地平线上,他看到了各大国家在运输基础设施 - 维修,更换和增加的能力方面。


ENR editors named Mark III Construction, with 2018 revenue of $65.2 million, as ENR California’s Specialty Contractor of the Year, thanks to its innovative prefabrication process and its work on projects like Sacramento’s Metro Air Park and the Gallo Glass Compressed Air System in Modesto, Calif.