
Joseph Naughton.Colliers Project Leaders已聘用Joseph Naughton.作为基于公司波士顿办事处的董事总经理。Naughton将侧重于在波士顿和阿吉姆,群众,办公室提供的该地区的占地面议。Naughton的专业知识在项目和建筑管理,建筑和城市和区域规划中。他的主要18luck官网建筑和项目管理公司项目包括高层建筑,城市更新,混合使用的发展,住宅和商业建筑,教育和医疗机构,酒店,实验室和医学研究设施,社区中心,停车车库和可再生能源项目。18luck官网

布伦达enos., a Burns & McDonnell project manager in the firm’s aviation group, was elected to the Airports Council International World Environmental Committee Steering Group.在这一角色中,基于波士顿的ENOS有助于在世界机场全球贸易代表的环境影响和可持续发展问题上提出讨论和形式政策。ENOS拥有丰富的管理环境允许,环境规范和环境管理系统经验。在2017年加入Burns&McDonnell之前,ENOS为马萨诸塞州港务局工作。在马斯波特,她是环境管理助理主任,包括开发,发动和实施大规模的弹性计划。此外,她发起了大规模灾害基础设施弹性计划研究的发展,是航空业中第一个。新利luck

安德鲁怪癖萨福克雇了安德鲁怪癖作为医疗保健和科技的首席运营官。Quirk将监督全国各界萨福克客户的规划,设计和建设。最近,怪癖担任Skanska卓越中心的高级副总裁和国家主任。In that role he oversaw Skanska’s health care construction business in the U.S. He also served as an architect on staff at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and as an architect with RTKL, where he was involved in programming, design, management and construction of notable health care and medical research laboratories, including at the National Institutes of Health.

rene gagnon.Hancock Associates,基于马萨诸塞州的土地测量,土木工程和湿地科学服务公司,已聘用rene gagnon.在公司的土木工程部门作为高级项目经理。Based out of Hancock’s Marlborough, Mass., office, Gagnon has worked as a project manager and civil engineer at several engineering firms, including most recently as a senior engineer at BL Cos. His areas of expertise include land development planning and design, erosion and sedimentation control, construction administration and inspections in all aspects of commercial and residential planning and construction.