
在11月22日,AECOM与其激进投资者Starboard Value LLP之间的“治理协议”中,这家工程巨头任命了三名由投资公司推荐的新外部董事会成员,并表示迈克尔·伯克(Michael S. Burke),自2014年以来的首席执行官和2015年以来的董事长,将在首席执行官命名的情况下退休。

Aecomwill also hire a separate chairman.

立即加入董事是行业资深人士罗伯特·G·卡是一名管理顾问,此前曾在蒙特利尔设计建设公司SNC-Lavalin Group Inc.担任首席执行官三年后,在先前的高级管理人员被驳回后,担任首席执行官三年。和彼得·费尔德(Peter A. Feld),右舷高管。12月16日加入Jacqueline C. Hinman,前董事长,CH2M总裁兼首席执行官在2017年出售给Jacobs之前。


Both Hinman or Card “are likely candidates for the CEO position after the … internal and external search,” said Andrew Wittman, industry research analyst at investment firm R.W. Baird & Co. in a Nov. 22 research note, adding that, with its exit from “risky construction” and the nearly completed sale of its government services unit, “the company is at a point of major change.” AECOM says fiscal 2019 revenue now is $20.2 billion with its stock “trading near its all-time high.”

吉娜·麦卡锡(Gina McCarthy),former U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Administrator under President Barack Obama, joins environmental advocacy giant Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) as president and CEO on Jan. 6, the group announced last month. She led the agency from 2014 to 2017, and also served previously as an assistant administrator for air and radiation. McCarthy, now a professor of public health at Harvard University, was named last year as director of its new climate science and health center, C-CHANGE. NRDC board chair Alan Horn says she "has a 35-year track record of developing solutions that are grounded in sound science, the public interest and the rule of law." NRDC says it has 3 million members and assets of more than $400 million.

皮埃尔·舒里(Pierre Shoiry), deputy chairman of Montreal-based global designer WSP, has agreed to give up his engineering license in a disciplinary pact last month with the provincial professional engineers' licensing board, related to lack of oversight of former employees involved in pre-2010 public-works contracting improprieties while he was CEO of WSP predecessor firm Genivar. He led Genivar’s purchase of WSP in 2012 and changed its name.


She says WSP already has “repaid sums illegally received” in settling with affected municipalities and has beefed up internal ethics. Contract and ethics breaches on provincial public works by WSP and other firms. as well as by municipal officials and politicians, were later probed by a provincial commission.


纽约州锡拉丘兹的锡拉丘兹大学工程与计算机科学学院命名Karen Davis其包容性卓越办公室的常任助理院长是在2018年发行的校园工程兄弟会Theta Tau的视频后创建的,其内容被认为是种族主义者,反犹太主义,同性恋恐惧症和残疾者。


戴维斯,他是临时的角色,也是gineering school’s former career services director.

雅各布斯工程集团有升高Bob Pragada凯文·贝里曼(Kevin Berryman)。截至12月1日,首席运营官兼首席财务官分别担任公司联合总裁的角色。Pragada将管理全球运营,并继续监督Jacobs的建筑物,基础设施和高级设施集团以及道恩·希克顿(Dawne Hickton), the unit executive vice president and COO. Berryman will lead Jacobs’ digital and information technology business while continuing its financial management.

the firm also announced Nov. 27 that it plans to add up to 2,400 new staff by 2021 to its existing 9,000-person U.K. workforce. It recently opened a new European headquarters in London, with roles on several multi-billion-dollar projects, including Crossrail and HS2 rail transportation jobs and the renovation of the Palace of Westminster.Pragada说:“英国是雅各布斯的关键市场。”“这项投资表明我们对英国经济及其长期基础设施计划的持续信心。”

在费城和郊区管理公共汽车和铁路运营的宾夕法尼亚州东南部运输局(SEPTA)已任命宾夕法尼亚州交通秘书莱斯利·理查兹(Leslie S. Richards)作为总经理,从一月份开始。自2015年以来,她还是美国州公路协会和运输官员主动运输委员会的现任主席,并且是前SEPTA董事会成员。州长汤姆·沃尔夫(Tom Wolf)提名Penndot首席运营官Yassmin Gramian作为秘书;在等待州参议院确认的同时,她将在12月6日接任表演角色。P.E. Gramian是Design公司WSP USA的前高级副总裁。

Sonia Finucane在11月11日收购Bioscope Environmental之后,已加入工程师CDMSMITH,担任首席环境科学家珀斯,位于澳大利亚的环境公司,她是创始人兼董事。Cdmsmith说,该公司专门为在澳大利亚重新恢复的采矿业提供环境服务,并为工业和基础设施客户工作。美国父母在125个办事处,包括澳大利亚5个办事处,拥有5,000人的全球劳动力。t

华盛顿州的员工拥有的建筑承包商Gly Construction已提升总统泰德草药致CEO。在这个额外的角色中,他成功了吉姆·卡拉贝拉斯(Jim Karambelas),谁退休。Herb于1987年加入Gly,担任项目工程师。该公司排名第172 on ENR's Top 400 Contractors list, with reported 2018 revenue of $516 million.

总部位于俄亥俄州托莱多的设计公司SSOE Group提升了执行副总裁Vincent Depofi对于12月4日生效的总裁兼首席执行官,他将获得一名19年的老将,他将成功鲍勃·豪威尔(Bob Howell),他担任该职位五年,并将在公司工作38年后退休。该公司在ENR的500家设计公司榜单上排名第116,20新利luck18年收入为1.42亿美元,在制造业领域的顶级公司排名第5。点击这里to read an internal interview with DePofi related to his goals as CEO.


弗雷德·布鲁恩(Fred Brune)设计公司洛克伍德·格林(Lockwood Greene)的前总裁兼首席执行官洛克伍德·格林(Lockwood Greene)在2003年由CH2M Hill(现为CH2M)领导其全球扩张和最终购买,他在2014年退休前担任过多个执行职务,于8月29日在68岁的杰克逊维尔(Jacksonville)逝世。fla。

死亡原因是癌症,讣告有限公司说mation ENR confirmed last month.

Brune led Lockwood Greene through previous ownership difficulties, including bankruptcy of a former parent, contractor J. A. Jones Inc. ENR reported that the design firm’s sale to CH2M followed a “whirlwind auction,” with the new parent eager to acquire the firm's significant private-sector engineering client base and expertise.