Despite an uncertain national outlook, continued demand across a spectrum of industry segments is driving revenue in the Pacific Northwest, according to some of ENR Northwest’s most productive specialty contracting firms.

Ten firms participated in ENR Northwest’s annual Top Specialty Contractors survey and reported combined 2018 regional revenue for Alaska, Oregon and Washington of $756.19 million, a 4.78% jump from the $721.7 million that the top 10 firms posted in 2017.

Rosendin电气,调查了没有。2 spot, from fourth place last year, reported year-over-year growth that stems from business in health care, higher education, data centers and the solar and wind renewables sectors. The firm expects a continued robust market, says Gwen Carr, business development manager at Rosendin. The San Jose, Calif.-based electrical contractor reported 2018 Northwest regional revenue of $154.08 million, up 77.9% from $86.81 million in 2017.

ENR Northwest 2019 Top Specialty Contractors


联合建筑商和承包商首席经济学家Anirban Basu说,在全国范围内,经济指标表明了关于建筑轨迹的不同信号。ABC的建筑积压指标在2019年的前九个月中攀升了,但建筑支出和就业已经缩短。公共支出的前景仍然很明亮,尽管缺乏联邦成熟的基础设施计划,但巴苏指出,基础设施支出的收集是在基础设施支出中进行的,并指出了水和下水道,运输,高速公路以及街头细分市场。他说:“到目前为止,州和地方政府已经进行了救援,并获得了收入,销售和财产税的收入的支持。”

Mastec Inc.在2018年的区域收入为1.33亿美元,比2017年的1.02亿美元上涨30.4%。基础设施工程公司总部位于佛罗里达州的Coral Gables。2019年,预计将继续进行,尤其是在与5G无线,1吉比特纤维和纤维回程部署以及有线电视操作员系统升级有关的通信中。Mastec Sefnco Communications子公司的首席运营官David Shujman说:“我们有好处,可以利用支持手机,互联网和继续发展的技术所需的高速连接需求。”
