明年4月7日将纪念自吉米·卡特(Jimmy Carter)总统以来的42年,他对1964年《民权法》第七章的违规诉讼做出了回应,该诉讼向妇女开放了建筑业和学徒制,发出了执行命令。



重大的地方和区域举措仍在继续,但是一旦罗纳德·里根(Ronald Reagan)于1981年上任,“善意努力”的纸质踪迹很大程度上取代了联邦努力,而在像我这样的妇女(1978年进入工业的女性)之前,即使完成了我们的学徒培训。

U.S. statistics now show women making up 3.4% of craftworkers, 7.7% of industry managers and 10% of civil and mechanical engineers. Unless one believes men are 30 times more capable than women, construction is failing to employ its best potential workforce, and women don’t have full access to important middle-class careers they would enjoy.




Last week I ran into a female electrician who worked her entire career for a union contractor that groomed her to grow with it. I congratulated her on her upcoming retirement with a solid pension. Women like her are invaluable, not just as role models, but also to advise on supports needed and obstacles to remove to achieve fair inclusion.

But she told me of a first-year apprentice carpenter who had asked for her advice on how to handle a foreman who repeatedly found “cause” to touch her, even tripping her so he could “catch” her—all in front of the crew, none of whom intervened.

由于没有为这种可预测情况设定的有效的培训或法规,而是为这种可预测的情况设定了后果,这比受害者更“有价值”,更有力 - 她在试图推进她的新职业的同时猜测最好的不良选择。我建议她换了贸易和工会。我的朋友已经做到了。

Women today have options.

Rationale matters. If the industry recruits women because there aren’t enough available men, those women will be viewed—like World War II Rosies—as expendable, the ones to be laid off when work slows. Not groomed for core positions, their training will be short-changed.

Equal Terms

The affirmative action that opened gates for my generation had different problems, in part because it was short-lived.

It measured job hours and apprenticeship percentages rather than key assessments of whether the career path had really opened: journey-level and supervisory percentages, as well as comparative annual pay and accumulated pension years.

包容性更有用的框架是向女性开放职业on equal terms: recognizing they are an excellent workforce match for today’s industry and acknowledging that identical treatment, too, can be problematic.

A 6-ft ladder is not useful if one needs an 8-footer to reach the work spot; the same for ill-fitting protective equipment. It means recognizing that there are many ways to get a job done, that pregnancy and childcare are normal issues and that workplace culture should afford everyone dignity. The industry needs to view women as core to the workforce and reshape itself to allow their success.

招聘和保留是分不开的。Potential recruits check industry websites for women in leadership, gender-neutral language and welcoming policies. Retention starts day one, as a woman compares her treatment, training and advancement to that of others. Mentors should not advise on how to adapt to discrimination, but rather convey needed changes to those in leadership.


性别平等是一个重大的翻新项目 - 征求建筑行业的专业知识和福特的创造性解决问题,专门的资源和有条不紊的跟进。

苏珊·艾森伯格是布兰迪斯的常驻学者University, where she directs itsOn Equal Terms Project.A retired electrician and IBEW member, she is author of We’ll Call You If We Need You: Experiences of Women Working Construction(Cornell, 2018)。Eisenberg can be reached at seis@brandeis.edu.