Total construction starts are down 1% year-to-date, according to Dodge Data & Analytics, in line with what the company predicted as growth in the industry slows.

Dodge Data&Analytics的首席经济学家Richard Branch说:“在2019年的11个月中,建筑的开始一直在增长九年后退缩。”道奇报道说,直到11月,总的住宅开始量已经下降了4%,单户和多户家庭都下降了。在同一时期的非住宅建设开始也有所下降,尤其是在零售,酒店,教育和医疗体育馆中。

“The stage remains set for a further pullback in 2020 as economy growth eases further,” he says.

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ENR 4Q Cost Report 2019



On the material side, steel and energy are the “biggest movers and shakers,” says Deni Koenhemsi, senior economist at IHS Markit. The company is reporting a 12.8% drop in U.S. oil prices in 2019, followed by an 8.1% fall in 2020. The numbers are far lower than the decreases reported for 2019 and 2020 in the third quarter, at 8.2% and 0.8%, respectively. “We lowered our near-term oil price forecast significantly this quarter,” says Thomas McCartin, economist at IHS Markit. “The International Maritime Organization (IMO) 2020 standards shift for marine bunker fuel is still expected to provide a boost to demand as refineries will need more oil to produce lower sulfur fuels, but the downgraded oil demand outlook indicates that there will be a smaller quarter-to-quarter increase in oil prices in early 2020.”

McCartin adds that while IHS Markit is currently forecasting a price drop, risks exist that could cause prices to spike.


John Anton, associate director of pricing and purchasing at IHS Markit, expects steel rebar and structural steel prices to decline in 2020, at 8.5% and 6%, respectively. “Prices should have been lower in all of 2019, but stayed stubbornly high,” says Anton. “Fundamentals took over as construction activity waned and buyers cut orders,” he adds, accounting for the downturn in price.

根据IHS Markit的第四季度报告,木材价格预计将在2019年下跌11.2%,略低于第三季度下跌10.4%。木材价格预计将在2020年反弹,增长4.6%。2019新利luck年12月的ENR 20城市木材平均价格比去年的这个时候低5.4%。