N电子战纽约官员加大执法of Local Law 10, which regulates building facades, after debris falling from a Manhattan building killed a city-based project management firm executive on Dec. 17. Industry members are calling for beefed up enforcement of existing statutes in the city and elsewhere in the U.S.

现年60岁的埃里卡·蒂什曼(Erica Tishman)是曼哈顿祖巴特金(Zubatkin)老板代表有限责任公司的建筑师兼副总裁,他因被曼哈顿中城区W. 49th Street附近的第729大街729号的砖塔击落而遭到撞击。城市建筑物(DOB)于12月30日宣布,它将加强检查,更强烈地执行当地法律10并增加12位新检查员。

A larger workforce could help prevent violations that turn into fatalities, including the one last month. On April 29, the department issued a Class 1 violation after an inspector observed defects on the Seventh Ave. building’s facade and ordered the owner, an LLC controlled by Himmel + Meringoff Properties, to make repairs and implement safety measures, according to job filings. On July 24, a follow-up violation was issued to the same address for failure to resolve the citation issued in April.

At the time Tishman died, the building’s owner had filed an application for work to repair the facade, which was approved Oct. 1. However, according to the DOB, none of the planned repairs had been performed as of Dec. 17.


根据DOB Records,该部门自1988年以来已发布了20次与729 Ave.相关的违规行为,在过去五年中有5个。


“We want more close-up, hands-on inspections,” DOB Commissioner Melanie La Rocca says. She hopes the department can prevent owners from lagging in implementing remedies after they receive citations. “If we want compliance, we need to see more inspectors on the street … and removing any potential opportunities of owners not complying,” she adds.

Local Law 10, adopted in 1980 after a college freshman was killed by facade debris, requires a licensed architect or engineer to make periodic inspections of the facades of buildings that are more than six stories high. Unsafe conditions must be promptly repaired.

Going forward, La Rocca says, the owner of a building with an unsafe facade will face swifter enforcement action and undergo follow-up inspections conducted within 60 days of the most severe violation. Inspections will continue until the situation is resolved. If the owner does not make repairs or install safety measures, the city will have the work performed at the owner’s expense.

2019年11月27日,一个driver in Chicago was hurt by falling wooden debris from a scaffold in the Loop downtown area. Police said the wood smashed through the vehicle’s windshield.

Law 10 was the second of its kind enacted in the U.S., following a statute passed in Chicago in 1978 after a passerby fatality. On Nov. 27, 2019, a driver in that city was hurt by falling wooden debris from a scaffold in the Loop downtown area. Police said the wood smashed through the vehicle’s windshield.

Today, “in most situations” involving exterior wall building code violations, Chicago officials will bring enforcement action against building owners in Circuit Court, says Gregg Cunningham, public information officer for the Chicago Dept. of Buildings.

The department “manages an intensive exterior wall program to ensure buildings are checked regularly and that any issues that pose hazardous or dangerous conditions to the public are immediately addressed,” he says. “While fines sometimes result from these cases, our goal is always to work with building owners to achieve compliance to ensure buildings are safe.”


Another related serious injury occurred in Boston in 2018, when a low-rise building’s facade collapsed on an aspiring concert pianist in the Allston neighborhood, crushing her hands.

Laws in Boston only regulate buildings taller than 70 ft. The city’s Facade Ordinance Code Section 9 requires exterior walls and appurtenances that are 70 ft tall or higher to undergo periodic inspection by a registered architect or engineer. The professional’s report must be filed to Boston’s Inspectional Services Dept. within 30 days of the inspection at a cost of $100. Failing to file would generate a $100 fine for each day the violation continues.

Boston buildings that are shorter than 125 ft may be inspected from the street with binoculars, while taller facades are required to have “a close visual inspection,” says the law. Officials considered, then rejected, mandatory inspections for buildings shorter than 70 ft after the 2018 incident.

前市议员马克·齐索莫(Mark Ciommo)代表阿尔斯顿(Allston),直到他的任期于12月31日到期,他拒绝竞选连任,他说,要检查整个城市中较短的建筑物将需要“庞大的人力”。他说,取而代之的是,检查机构启动了“针对所有者的广泛教育计划”。

According to Ciommo, using insurance companies as a lever to pressure owners to inspect facades would be more productive. “That’s a better angle,” he says. “I’d rather do it through the private market. I think cost-effectiveness would be better that way.”

Building owners nationwide who want to learn how they can maintain safety and obey local statutes can look at engineering firm WJE's online tool calledFacadeOrdinance.com,created "several years ago as a service to others that contains general information regarding facade ordinances in various cities throughout the United States," says communications manager Donald Minner. The site talks about laws in Boston, Chicago, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Detroit, Milwaukee, New York, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, San Francisco, St. Louis, and Columbus, Ohio.

Why New York City Facades Are Vulnerable

虽然立面引起了全国各地的问题和死亡,但纽约市似乎特别容易发生。根据杰弗里·埃尔德利(Jeffrey L.对于其他有类似法律的城市,根据这本书,这些数字包括:芝加哥的2,500人,波士顿的600人,底特律的450个,俄亥俄州哥伦布480。纽约市的人物今天已上升至14,500。

New York City also “has an environment conducive to the accelerated deterioration of building walls and structures: salt-air, freeze-thaw cycles and air pollution.” In addition, “almost all buildings suffer from neglect, charitably termed ‘deferred’ maintenance,” according to the book.

Erdly, CEO of Masonry Preservation Services Inc., Bloomsburg, Pa., tells ENR that “the problem of pedestrian safety and our aging building infrastructure is much larger than just New York City.” He contends that “as the aging inventory of building facades continues to degrade, the vulnerability of materials falling grows exponentially.” Erdly adds: “While [the city] and Chicago are the epicenters for tall building facade failures, thousands of mid-rise structures—also in service for a century or more—present real jeopardy to pedestrians and inhabitants.”

美国建筑师学院分会的合规主任亚当·罗伯茨(Adam Roberts)不确定其加强执法将有助于改善安全状况。他说:“很难说任何事情都足够了,尤其是鉴于蒂斯曼女士的逝世。”“她的死击中了很多人……认为它可能落在任何人的头上,这真是令人恐惧。”

By Stephanie Loder, with Scott Lewis, Justin Rice, Jeff Yoders and Eydie Cubarrubia