罗德岛州州长吉娜·雷蒙多(Gina Raimondo)(D)于1月17日签署了一项行政命令,该命令在本十年末之前在美国首次由100%可再生能源提供动力。

命令directs the state’s Office of Energy Resources to conduct an economic and energy market analysis and develop policies and programs to reach “this bold but achievable goal,” says a statement from Gov. Raimondo’s office.

“We’re already leading the fight against climate change, but we have to take increasingly aggressive action if we want to avoid catastrophe,” Gov. Raimondo said.

In coming months, the state energy office will work to develop policy and programmatic solutions to achieve the governor’s goal and advance the state’s economic, energy and environmental interests with a final report due by Dec. 31.

代理州能源专员尼古拉斯·乌基(Nicholas Ucci)表示,该州从吸引投资和就业机会的清洁能源政策和计划中受益,这使该州在几年内“有望满足我们的电力需求的三分之一以上”。

Rhode Island's 100% by 2030 renewable electricity goal is part of a broader state strategy launched three years ago to address the climate change crisis by reducing economy-wide carbon emission and accelerating clean energy supply.


“The Innovation Hub team will be Ørsted’s first point of contact for any U.S. technology companies interested in contracting with Ørsted Offshore..the company said, adding that the hub will host bi-monthly "open door days" for established firms and start-ups to present technologies and test results..