想想获得德克萨斯州和路易斯安那州第六届年度遗产奖的获新利luck得者,这是偶然的榜样。当温迪·洛佩兹(Wendy Lopez)是路易斯安那州珍妮特(Jeanerette)的高中大四时,一位最喜欢的老师询问她是否打算上大学,如果是这样,她打算学习什么。新利luck



To this day, Lopez, a senior vice president with engineer and builder AECOM who was recently tasked with promoting the growth of the firm’s Texas operations, says she frequently reflects on that brief exchange.

“It changed the entire trajectory of my life,” she says. “I recently heard someone say, ‘You can’t be what you can’t see.’ In my case, I had no idea what an engineer was.”




从那以后,洛佩兹(Lopez)就一直在艰难的道路上,首先是一名企业家,在1988年在达拉斯(Dallas)创立了温迪·洛佩兹(Wendy Lopez&Associates)公司,当时是一家由一家洛佩兹(Lopez)的设计公司。该公司后来命名为Lopezgarcia Group,最终成为一家女性拥有的企业,由200多名员工从事多学科工程和环境服务,用于道路,轻轨,机场,体育场和博物馆。


Under her stewardship, the firm landed several significant projects, including M/E/P and civil sitework for the National Football League’s Dallas Cowboys stadium, program management services for Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport infrastructure projects, planning services for the Dallas Area Rapid Transit Authority and the TxDOT Katy Freeway/Sam Houston Tollway interchange reconstruction project. Later, she made significant contributions as Texas/Oklahoma regional manager with engineer and builder URS Corp., to which she sold her firm in 2008.



总而言之,她对自己的职业和社区以及工程女性的进步促进了她的贡献,这促使Enr的区域编辑选择洛佩兹作为2019年Enr Texas&Louisiana Legacy Award的获得者。新利luck她以“进入男性主导的工程级别的未来女性,并曾担任数百名女性工程师的导师”举例,” AECOM中央地区执行副总裁特拉维斯·布恩(Travis Boone)说,他提名洛佩兹(Lopez)获得该奖项。

Forging a future as a pioneer in a men’s field largely resulted from circumstance, Lopez says. She was 29 at the time and performing land development work with Dallas-based Yandell & Hiller when her employer elected to relocate 40 miles away to Fort Worth. Lopez, whose roots were firmly planted in Dallas, wasn’t inclined to follow.


当需要将公司首席执行官罗杰·扬德尔(Roger Yandell)告知她的决定时,她想到他的反应是:“‘你认为自己在做什么?”她回忆道。“相反,他告诉我他想投资。”


洛佩兹说:“在1988年没有很多事情发生。”除其他外,“我联系了达拉斯/沃思堡机场和新建的达拉斯地区快速运输。”一些机构和部门回答说,尽管她的证书给人留下了深刻的印象,但她的业务太小了,无法实际用作项目的主要承包商。18luck官网他们建议她将她分包给寻求需要少数参与的工作的大型公司,但没有内部资源来提供它。她说:“因此,我与Yandell&Hiller,Brown&Root,CH2M Hill等人联系了我的朋友,并开始与他们合作,并开始与他们合作。”


“I was employee No. 10,” recalls civil engineer Dev Rastogi, vice president with architect-engineer Lockwood Andrews & Newnam, Dallas, who joined Lopez’s firm in 1993. “I was brought on to boost business in environmental services,” she says. “I had plateaued at my previous place of employment and thought it would be interesting to join a woman-owned enterprise.”

As it grew, Lopez & Associates tended to attract young, independent and ambitious professionals, according to Rastogi, who eventually was appointed vice president and chief operating officer with the firm.“I wasn’t afraid to hire people who were smarter or more experienced than I was,” says Lopez.



2002年与RM Garcia&Garcia的合并,这是一位友好的沃思堡竞争对手,这是由于意识到两家公司都处于超越其“小公司”身份的边缘。

“We decided, let’s join forces and cross the line with the wind at our backs,” Lopez says.

洛佩兹加尔西亚集团(Lopezgarcia Group)的拉斯托吉(Rastogi)说,这两家公司的足迹非常相似。她说:“这两家公司在同一城市(达拉斯,沃思堡,休斯顿和奥斯汀)都有办事处,并且均专门从事运输,水,废水和环境服务,因此这是非常舒适的合身服务。”“合并发生在Lopez&Associates只是作为主要承包商获得关注的时候。”

By 2008, the Dallas-based firm, for which Lopez served as CEO, achieved annual revenue of $27.2 million and had undergone a three-year growth rate of 48%, according to Inc. 5000. In fewer than 20 years, Lopez grew a one-person engineering consulting firm to a multidisciplinary engineering service company employing hundreds, Boone noted in his nomination.

The subsequent merger with San Francisco-based URS Corp., then ranked by many as the nation’s No. 1 design and construction firm, was prompted by the thought, “We had always aspired to be No. 1. Why not become No. 1?” Rastogi says.

Since the AECOM-URS merger, Lopez has consulted on Virgin Hyperloop One’s Texas Hyperloop project, a planned 700-mph rail-based system that would cut travel time between Dallas and Austin, a 195-mile distance, to 20 minutes. She also assisted AECOM’s efforts to secure environmental approvals for high-speed rail between Dallas and Houston. Meantime, she also has secured work to assist Dallas in achieving its first climate action plan.


