密歇根州州长格蕾琴·惠特默(Gretchen Whitmer)(D)试图通过一项数十亿美元的债务融资计划,通过政治僵局清除了政治僵局。


Whitmer outlined her new plan Jan. 28 in a最先进的地址delivered in Lansing. Before giving her speech, shetold the Detroit Free Pressthat she understood that state Republicans were drawing up plans for a state sales tax dedicated to roads.



通过31-7票,州参议院批准了一项法案,该法案将要求密歇根州交通运输部聘请外部顾问来研究将收费站放在密歇根州高速公路上的可行性。新利luck该研究的新利luck费用最高为15万美元,与第三方的合同将获得单独的批准。该法案 - SB 517-仍然必须去房子才能到达惠特默的桌子。


“Diverting money from the teacher pension system to fill some potholes… come on," she told state lawmakers. "Selling bridges… not serious. And letting roads turn back into gravel… I don’t think so. Any proposal that creates more problems than it solves is NOT a serious solution. So, it’s time for Plan B: executive action.”

Read more about the possibility of tollroads in Michiganhere.