Hoping to attract cargo traffic from an expanded Panama Canal in 2014, the Port of Miami is taking steps to refurbish a dormant 4.4-mile rail corridor linking the port with the Hialeah Intermodal Railyard, operated by the Florida East Coast Railroad.

港口,FECR和佛罗里达州的运输部正在为这项耗资4690万美元的项目合作,该项目仍取决于获得美国回收和再投资法案的2800万美元所谓的Tiger Grant(产生经济复苏的运输投资)。


除了提供更快的货物链接嗨aleah railyard, the Port of Miami estimates that a restored rail link would eliminate 250 heavy-truck trips between the port and warehouses near Miami International Airport, which is located at the south end of the railyard.

The rail restoration project will complement other access improvement projects under way at the Port of Miami, including a $610-million tunnel and harbor-dredging plan that will accommodate larger cargo vessels.