
The MTA this week designated three teams to submit design-build proposals for construction of four new stations in the Bronx on a line that will, under other separately awarded contracts, provide access for Metro North commuters to the city's Penn Station.

这三个团队由Halmar International和Railworks合资组成;Skanska和Ecco III;和导师佩里尼(Perini)和O&G;Ove Arup,Aecom和Parsons分别作为三支球队的首席设计师。

The projects will also be one of several tests of New York State’s and MTA’s drive to upgrade the commuting infrastructure while bringing projects in on time and on budget.


去年,MTA已重组并整合了建筑运营为一个大型单位,而州立法机关扩大了州和城市的使用设计建筑,寻求更好的结果,创新,尽管没有由代理机构或代理商提及州官员 - 风险转移。

“The new MTA Construction & Development organization is moving quickly to execute the new $51.5-billion 2020-24 Capital Program,” MTA Chief Development OfficerJanno Lieber said in his statement。MTA还“鼓励承包商竞争并为我们带来创新的策略,以更快,更好,更便宜。”18luck官网

New Metro North
A part of a community presentation to Bronx residents about the locations of the planned new Metro North stations in New York City. Source: New York City Dept. of City Planning

Current MTA projects are especially interesting because the agency, under the control of Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D), has instituted new punitive measures that allow it to debar a contractor whose project comes in more than 10% over budget or 10% late.

The rule gives MTA complete discretion for enforcement irrespective of change orders or scope disagreements.

A consortium of New York State engineering and construction companies have filed a lawsuit to block enforcement of the measures.

根据纽约市的规划部门的数据,2017年,纽约州的2015 - 2019年资本预算在东布朗克斯的新车站和新的Metro-North Transit Service投入了近6.95亿美元。

MTA向康涅狄格州的Metro North Line服务目前在布朗克斯没有车站,仅在中城东侧的曼哈顿大中央车站停下来。新的电台将沿现有的Amtrak线建造,该线路穿过地狱门桥进入皇后区,然后沿着现有的长岛铁路线行驶,首次前往Midtown西侧的Penn Station,本身正在重建。总体计划称为Penn Station访问。

该电台项目被预见为一项重要的经济发展倡议for the Bronx communities that will be served, connecting the neighborhoods with employment centers in Manhattan and Connecticut.

“This project is transformative for people who want to get from the East Bronx and Westchester to the West Side of Midtown Manhattan – likewise for those who want to access the East Bronx and job centers in Westchester and Connecticut,” said Lieber.

This story was corrected February 17. It mistakenly labeled the Penn Station Access projects as the East Side Access projects.