Contractors are eyeing a spring completion of the 1-million-sq-ft main fabrication facility of Foxconn Technology Group's planned campus in Mt. Pleasant, Wis., but exactly what the Taiwan-based company will manufacture there remains publicly unknown.

Originally planned as a generation 10 large-panel LCD screen production facility, Foxconnscaled back those plansand一年前将工厂改为6代设施。官员们说,它将生产较小的LCD。


"Whether it's erosion control, or creating stormwater [management], or moving dirt, we started in April 2018 on the master plan site development, whereby we focused on creating the campus," says Adam Jelen, Gilbane senior vice president of its central Midwest division. "The ground, the stormwater management, the roadway systems, to make sure we could have a steady hand with vertical construction in 2019."

去年6月,总体规划后,巷道infrastructure and site utilities were largely completed — crews placed foundations comprising the equivalent of approximately 17 football fields for Area 1's fabrication building in preparation for vertical construction of the walls. In August, Gilbane/Exyte and their trade partners began to place the more than 400 precast concrete panels that are the walls of the manufacturing facility. The contractor also began framing 8,000 tons of steel.

"Our goal was to be substantially enclosed on the first advanced manufacturing facility by the end of 2019, and that was accomplished," Jelen said. "Phased turnovers started in quarter two [of 2020]. And then those sequences continue in the first facility, itself. ... The goal of the project is to build a world-class advanced manufacturing campus — the first of its kind in the U.S. Along with that goal, is to really make a difference in both work force and business."


"Those connectors really started with information sessions that were done throughout the state and reached nationally/globally for the supply chain. They were done in nearly 30 different sessions to go ahead and communicate the project and how to get involved," he said. "Right now there's over 6,000 entities in the supply chain that are getting notified on a regular basis of every update on the project and how to get involved. I think it started out with a vision of making a difference in both business and workforce through our WI-First plan."




还有其他问题。富士康在2018年只有178名全职威斯康星州员工 - 该公司立即索取1000万美元的州工作税收抵免和援助所需的最低260个工作。

威斯康星州Gov. Tony Evers (D) said the company likely missed its 2019 employment target, 520 people in exchange for $222 million in credits and aid. This year, the contract requires the company to create at least 1,820 jobs by year’s end in order to receive up to $270 million more in credits.


Foxconn's agreement with the Wisconsin Economic Development Corp., the state’s business development arm, calls for the company to create the 13,000 jobs by 2032. The deal requires the company to do its hiring in phases, meeting specific targets in order to qualify for subsidies of around $3 billion. Foxconn maintains that it will eventually hire 13,000 people in Wisconsin although it's now in a dispute with the state about what jobs can count toward that total. Foxconn plans to open innovation centers throughout the state beyond the campus in Mt. Pleasant.

在一个recent op-ed威斯康星州议会少数党领袖戈登·辛茨(D)发表在《威斯康星州杂志》上发表在《威斯康星州杂志》上,批评该公司将其计划从建造第10代设施改为第六代和将要生产的东西的保密性。欣兹一直是该项目的长期批评家,并在他的专题编辑中说,他不知道该设施内部正在建造什么。