Teri JonesThe Sundt Cos., Tempe, Ariz., has added building group presidentTeri Jones给董事会。琼斯(Jones)拥有将近40年的行业经验,在2018年被任命为该公司建筑集团的总裁。

DWL Architects + Planners Inc.已任命桑德拉·库克拉(Sandra Kukla)as president. She succeedsSteve Rao, who served for 11 years as president and will remain with the firm as executive vice president. Kukla was DWL’s first female vice president.

Peter Hemingway凤凰城(RPA)被任命为Ritoch-Powell&Associates(RPA)。海明威拥有35年以上的土木工程和管理经验,并担任RPA的执行副总裁已有7年了。

杰伊·莱顿凤凰城的Tdindustries已晋升杰伊·莱顿到其亚利桑那州业务部门执行副总裁。莱顿将监督所有亚利桑那州的业务产品,包括建筑和服务。莱顿(Layton)于2017年9月加入TD,最近担任高级副总裁。在TD之前,他曾担任Cobb Mechanical的西南分部经理,在他的职业生涯的早期,他在动力学系统工作了11年。

罗森丁(Rosendin)在该公司的亚利桑那州办事处晋升了两个人。David Elkins已晋升为东部现场运营高级副总裁,以支持弗吉尼亚州,北卡罗来纳州,马​​里兰州,德克萨斯州,亚利桑那州和内华达州的团队。埃尔金斯(Elkins)在罗森丁(Rosendin)工作了28年,最近担任现场运营副总裁。他将继续驻扎在亚利桑那州坦佩市的办公室。弗雷德·梅斯克(Fred Meeske)被提升为电子工程技术建筑信息建模(BIM)的副总裁,该副总裁支持全国所有区域办事处。Meeske在Rosendin工作了13年,最近担任BIM Services的公司总监,他将位于凤凰城的Rosendin技术中心。

Sarah SmedleyAZTEC Engineering Group Inc., Phoenix, recently promotedSarah Smedleyto vice president. Smedley is the firm’s energy division leader and continues to manage and lead civil site design for major solar projects across the country. She has been with the firm for more than 12 years. AZTEC also recently promoted凯利·凯森·菲斯(Kelly Kaysonepheth)特雷西·埃伯林(Tracy Eberlein)to associate vice president. Kaysonepheth continues to serve as marketing director and Eberlein works as traffic group manager.

迈克·冈萨雷斯(Mike Gonzalez)菲尼克斯的麦卡锡建筑公司已晋升迈克·冈萨雷斯(Mike Gonzalez)对于副总裁,他将指导和扩展麦卡锡的西南地区高等教育,高级制造和科学技术。冈萨雷斯(Gonzalez)此前曾在麦卡锡(McCarthy)担任项目主任八年。此外,Thomas Assante最近被提升为高级项目经理。阿桑特(Assante)于七年前在菲尼克斯天空火车项目中首次从麦卡锡(McCarthy)担任项目工程师。

美国Skanska已晋升Andy Rabascato vice president of preconstruction in Arizona. Rabasca, who is based in Skanska’s Phoenix office, joined the company in 2012 and was most recently a senior preconstruction director.

大卫·斯金纳(David Skinner)奥尔森命名大卫·斯金纳(David Skinner)高级运营总监。他将负责管理公司的运营活动和绘制关键指标以推动业务增长。斯金纳(Skinner)为奥尔森(Olsson)带来了近30年的土木工程行业经验。他在世界上最大的设计公司之一度过了最后16年,担任亚利桑那州和新墨西哥州的高级副总裁兼区域运营经理。斯金纳还将担任奥尔森的高级领导团队,并在凤凰办公室任职。

Prem SundharamDLR集团在其凤凰城和图森办事处晋升了几个人。Prem Sundharam, based in Phoenix, was appointed senior principal. Sundharam is DLR Group’s global sustainability leader and a member of the firm’s research and development studio.

五名员工被提升为校长,包括Richard Beach, based in Tucson, who specializes in health care design. Promoted to principal in the Phoenix office were丹尼斯·布里(Dennis Bree),马特·布雷默,Michael RudolphTim Thielke.

泰勒羔羊was promoted to manager of project development for Burns & McDonnell in Arizona, specializing in competitive and merchant transmission as well as renewable-energy projects. Lamb, based in Phoenix, has more than 10 years of experience in the power delivery industry.

The PENTA Building Group, Las Vegas, has made several new hires and promotions in the region.鲍比·沃克被亚利桑那州的Penta聘为高级施工前经理。在拉斯维加斯,Kenadi Fitzgerald, a former PENTA intern, has joined the team as a project engineer.Rebecca Orosco已被聘为构造前经理。Zac Rostomily, a former PENTA intern, has been promoted to project manager, andRobert Hansenhas been promoted to superintendent.

特雷西·格罗弗(Tracy Grover)凤凰城的陶器命名特雷西·格罗弗(Tracy Grover)作为助理材料s service line director for the Western U.S., including 13 states from the West Coast through the Mountain States. Grover joined Terracon in 2015 as Phoenix materials department manager. Most recently, he served as senior consultant and regional services manager for materials in Terracon’s Western operating group.

Monica HernandezMonica Hernandez已经加入了凤凰城的Aecom设计和咨询服务美洲运输业务部门。埃尔南德斯(Hernandez)在运输行业拥有超过15年的经验,将在亚利桑那州市场领导AECOM的战略沟通和公共参与服务。在加入AECOM之前,埃尔南德斯(Hernandez)领导了凤凰城和华盛顿特区及其周边地区主要运输项目的通信计划。18luck官网

Parametrix, Albuquerque, has hiredJoseph Lujanas a senior scientist. He joins Parametrix’s environmental planning and compliance division, providing cultural and natural resource services to clients throughout New Mexico and the southwestern U.S. He has nearly 30 years of experience in natural resources management with four federal agencies. Lujan comes to Parametrix most recently from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, where he served as a natural resource planner and wildlife biologist.

Bob BennettBob Bennett在亚利桑那州钱德勒的莫滕森(Mortenson)被聘为校长。贝内特拥有将近30年的建筑经验。