

IHS Markit的首席商业经济学家克里斯·威廉姆森(Chris Williamson)指出,供求可能会受到与冠状病毒有关的恐惧的影响。

IHS Markit’s March 2 edition of the Manufacturing Purchasing Managers’ Index showed that “the backlog of orders moved to its highest level since April 2019—perhaps suggesting that companies are starting to deal with shortages of inputs,” says Richard Branch, chief economist at Dodge Data & Analytics.

Many Chinese manufacturing facilities sat idle for the month of February or longer due to the country’s virus containment efforts. However, the full impact to construction supply chains won’t become clear for several months, because “most projects typically have supplies in place well before ground is broken,” says Branch.

一些公司已经在报告延迟。亚特兰大JE Dunn Construction的区域总裁Dan Kaufman说,一个项目的电气分包商估计从中国采购的材料延迟了两个月。他说:“这是长达八个星期在工作中的直接途径影响,这显然是瘫痪的,我们必须弄清楚这一点。”


CRB制药市场总监克里斯塔·迈尔斯(Christa Myers)表示,由于前往意大利的旅行限制,这是制造制药设备的温床,至少有一个项目受到影响。对美国项目的设备进行测试和批准已被推迟,最近前往意大利的员工现在已经扎根。实际上,迈尔斯(Myers)从意大利受影响最大的地区返回后,在家里工作了14天。

总部位于香港的结构音调分支机构S&Techs董事总经理Michael Kavanagh说,在中国和香港,重返工作岗位的人们也被隔离了。他补充说,此外,由于缺乏工作人员来处理要求,香港和其他地方的建筑许可已被推迟。

Elsewhere in Asia, Reuters reports that Indonesia’s $6-billion Jakarta-Bandung high-speed rail line is being delayed by the absence of approximately 300 senior-level workers and supply shortages of critical materials such as pipes and waterproofing. In Bangladesh, a $3.5-billion, 3.8-mile-long road and rail bridge across the Padma River is getting by with only two-thirds of its 980-person Chinese workforce.

“Unfortunately, economic data has not kept up with the rapidly changing news as it pertains to the COVID-19 virus,” Branch says. “Data in the weeks to come will be watched closely for signs of deterioration due to the virus. However, it’s a very strong likelihood that U.S. Gross Domestic Product growth in the first half of the year will be weak.”

由斯科特·布莱尔(Scott Blair),艾丽莎·泽文(Alisa Zevin),黛布拉·鲁宾(Debra K.