COVID-19continuing to spread, officials in New York City plan to open more than 8,000 new hospital beds over the next two weeks. In a新闻发布会on March 16, Mayor Bill de Blasio described how the city will convert unused spaces across the five boroughs into medical facilities.


现有的四个结构将转变为患者治疗中心。De Blasio说,在位于曼哈顿和皇后区之间东河的罗斯福岛上,一个市政医疗机构(一个市政医疗机构)将在一周内可容纳350张床。在类似的时间范围内,也是城市卫生系统一部分的布朗克斯北部医院的两个空地,将提供120张床。在接下来的两个星期中,布鲁克林的一个新的,空的疗养院将增加600张床位。布朗克斯的威彻斯特广场医院将增加150次。德布拉西奥说:“这给了我们1200张床位的附近的某个地方,我们可以立即说这将被激活。”

Dr. Michael Katz, president and CEO of NYC Health + Hospitals, the municipal health system, also described how cafeterias or parking lots of hospitals across the city could be turned into ICU wards. Doing so would net an additional 7,000 beds, officials estimate. “That will take us to 8,200-8,300,” said de Blasio, “and then we're going to keep going rapidly from there.”

