UK-based excavator maker JCB is shutting down production at its nine British manufacturing plants through the end of March because of the “unprecedented” global collapse in demand caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the firm announced on March 18.

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不decision has been made about the following period. Shop-floor workers affected by the move will continue to be paid while many office staff will work from home, in line with government advice.

/麦克唐纳首席执行官Graeme MacDonald说:“这些措施在JCB的历史上是前所未有的,但对于保护业务绝对是必要的。”“ JCB是全球出口商,随着客户取消订单和延期交付,我们产品对我们的产品的需求急剧下降。”

He noted that "with countries like France, Spain and Italy going into lock down, those key markets for construction equipment disappear overnight," adding that "鉴于这种快速变化的情况,我们需要重新计划生产,因此,在本周和下周的所有时间里,所有英国工厂的制造业都将停止。”

The firm is weighing a UK government request to manufacture ventilators to ease a national shortage in the wake of the virus spread, says the Financial Times.

The firm noted that its China-based plant in Pudong, near Shanghai, now is fully operational after stopping production last month as that country's COVID-19 epidemic spread.
