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Lt. Gen Todd Semonite, the Corps' commanding general and Army Chief of Engineers, said in a March 20 press briefing at the Pentagon that his organization is working with governors in 13 states and hoped to reach five more by the end of the day. In all, he said, the Corps is looking at adding more than 10,000 beds.

3月22日,纽约州长安德鲁·库莫(D)announcedthat he had approved Corps recommended locating four temporary hospitals at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in Manhattan, the Westchester Convention Center in White Plains, and State University of New York Stony Brook and Old Westbury campuses on Long Island, following Corps inspections.

The Corps is expected to begin work immediately to construct the temporary hospitals, according to Cuomo's office. The Governor is also requesting that the Federal Emergency Management Agency designate four field hospitals with 250 beds each for the state, intended for use in the Javits Center in addition to the temporary hospital the Corps will build.

(查看全美陆军3/20/2020新闻发布会here. Semonite's comments start at about the 12:45 mark.)


Semonite said of the conversion task, “This is an unbelievably complicated problem and there’s no way we’re going to be able to do this with a complicated solution.” He added, “We need something super-simple.” For more on private industry efforts to make more bed space, seethis story.


“What we want to do is go through existing facilities, primarily,” Semonite said, such as hotels, college dormitories, “and perhaps large spaces.” He noted, “These hotels are empty.”

He said that under the plan, the Corps would issue a contract to have the state set up a lease for the facility and in an “exceptionally short” number of days, “We would go in and turn this into an ICU-like facility.”



One key element would be to change the air pressure in hotel or dorm rooms to “negative pressure,” to guard against the spread of infection.


纽约州似乎是转换的第一条。州长安德鲁·库莫(Andrew Cuomo)(D)在3月17日的《纽约时报》专栏文章中呼吁特朗普总统让军团参与增加医院的能力。

Semonite said, “We want to use New York as the standard-setter.”

Semonite added that on March 20 in New York, “My engineers were walking through 10 other buildings,” including five hotel-type buildings and some with “open spaces.” A central goal is “to continue to figure out, what does ‘right’ look like.”

至于其他州,他说,“我们正在寻找非常hard at California [and] the state of Washington.” Semonite also said Corps personnel have been in New Jersey. He added, “We’re really looking at, where’s the biggest demand, so we go to those states first.”




