
Looking beyond the immediate crisis, designers are brainstorming the ways codes and standards can be improved to prevent disease transmission in buildings. For example, the leadership of ASHRAE, the professional group for heating, ventilating and air-conditioning (HVAC) engineers, has asked its environmental health committee to develop an effort to provide guidance on how buildings can be used to protect occupants from germs both during the crisis and, in the longer term, how to prepare buildings better for future epidemics.

Disease Transmission

这不仅适用于解决医疗机构能力问题,还适用于大多数疾病传播的工作,家庭,公共和休闲环境。“我们的指导还将包括有关紧急措施的建议,例如在会议中心,竞技场和室内体育馆建立临时野外医院,以应对潮流,” Ashrae 2013 - 14年ASHRAE新工作队主席William P. Bahnfleth说。宾夕法尼亚州立大学的建筑工程教授,大学公园。


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建筑师也没有静止。在3月23日,在国家一级,美国建筑师学院的韧性,适应和灾难援助高级总监Rachel Minnery召集了大约30名AIA成员团体和委员会的领导人,以共享关键需求,最佳实践/实例/示例,以及制定行动以协助官员和医院。


Subgroups represented were public-sector architects working at federal, state and local government levels; the academy of architecture for health; and the design and health leadership group. Leaders of the design for aging committee, the disaster assistance committee, the housing and community development group and the resilience and adaptation advisory group were also in attendance.

Many architects either working directly for hospital institutions or on retainer for hospitals are busy right now adapting or allocating new space to accommodate the surge of patients, says Minnery. AIA will support these architects by sharing and creating guidance to make this possible in less-than-ideal conditions, she adds.



Traci A. Hanegan, chair of ASHRAE’s healthcare facilities technical committee (TC 9.6) and a principal mechanical engineer with Coffman Engineers Inc., cautions that some ideas for modifications to add treatment capacity create unintended consequences or other concerns.

For example, some ways to segregate patients are beneficial to the patients, but not to the health care providers, she says. “We have been able to provide input on how to create space for patients while keeping the safety of our health care providers in mind and still preserving life-safety provisions,” she adds.

TC 9.6的成员和医疗机构通风委员会(标准170)一直在努力获得指导,可以立即实施,以帮助医院和诊所应对COVID-19案件的增加。TC 9.6成员几周前通过电话会议开会,讨论开发事件以及委员会的持续回应。

TC 9.6 and the Standard 170 committee in collaboration with members of the American Society for Health Care Engineering (ASHE) have prepared a detailed presentation, already presented to groups outside ASHRAE and to ASHRAE chapters. The presentation includes guidance on how to create additional observation/segregation rooms for a small-scale admission surge as well as the establishment of wards/suites for a large-scale surge. On-line meetings are the virtual venues for the presentations.

这些小组还审查了两份指导文件,介绍了如何创建患者隔离区域并应对激增条件。一个51页的文档,命名为新冠肺炎可免费下载的,是通过TC 9.6和标准170委员会与ASHE Input合作开发的。

“It was an outgrowth and elaboration of the supporting info we provided to the ASHE webinars,” says Michael P. Sheerin, CEO of TLC Engineering Solutions and chair of the Standard 170 committee.


Group of Experts

For the ASHRAE task force, Bahnfleth is in the process of assembling a high-level group of experts in resilience, security, construction, public health and medicine. The charge will primarily be to communicate, coordinate and plan.


根据过去几周发表的研究论文,Ashrae Standard 170可能已经通过作为设计现有感染隔离,重症监护和重症监护室的指南,在海外受到最严重影响的国家产生了有益的影响。他补充说。



Locally, her firm, Coffman Engineers, based in Spokane, Wash., has been answering calls and emails from clients and health care facilities looking for assistance in managing and adapting their medical gas, life safety and HVAC systems. “We are thankful that facilities considering modifications to their building systems are reaching out for guidance,” says Hanegan.


Specifically, Hanegan continues to educate people, through her LinkedIn page and other means, about her favorite topic: the importance of good indoor air hydration--minimum 40% relative humidity to maximum 60% RH--to reduce pathogen spread and improve the body’s immune response and healing.

她说:“许多人认为干空气是最好的,并且不知道干空气如何使空气传播的病原体进一步旅行以及干燥空气如何损害我们的身体防御感染。”Hanegan说:“一位同事Stephanie Taylor博士正在她的LinkedIn页面上提供每日更新,以帮助人们更好地了解大流行期间的这种影响。”

根据最近的研究,RH是3月ker, even more so than absolute humidity, says Hanegan. “Everyone knows high humidity can be a problem with mold growth, though most don’t realize that mold needs liquid water and cannot get water from vapor, she explains. “Most people then think that drier is better, but below 40% RH has all kinds of negative impacts on our health,” she adds.

AIA纽约州(Aianys)灾难协调员和AIA New York(Aiany)设计风险和重建委员会的伊利亚·阿扎罗夫(Illa Azaroff)正在为AIA国家,州和地方级别的倡议致力于制定倡议。+Lab Architect PLLC的创始董事Azaroff说:“我们有一系列广泛的工作组,正在解决Covid19病毒的各个部门/方面。”


At the national level, Azaroff is working with a team on negative pressure tents and building retrofits, in the U.S. and throughout the Caribbean. “Our first deployable prototypes are being set up in South Florida,” says Azaroff.

There are suppliers, including Blu-Med Response Systems, that sell equipped deployable hospital units, says Azaroff.

ZORO’s online catalog has a 52-bed FSI Complete Medical Surge Capacity/Field Hospital System for $749,724.29. The problem: It is out of stock.


Aiany and Aianys召集了来自AIA Health设施委员会的几个咨询团队以及风险和重建委员会的设计。这些委员会已与包括紧急管理团队在内的纽约市官员建立了联系,以提供专业知识并帮助确定医院涌现和临时设施。

Minnery说:“ AIA和我们的成员,尤其是通过我们的AIA国家灾难协调员网络,以任何方式可以进一步解决直接危机。”她说,但是还需要计划恢复和恢复正常或近乎正常的生活。


Beyond the immediate crisis, the AIA member leaders convened by Minnery have been asked to consider and offer ways to redesign schools, housing, workplaces, fitness centers and other spaces so that quarantine isn’t the only viable stopgap to mitigate disease transmission. A question posed to them is “how can buildings be designed to address emergency situations and therefore be designed to service communities in multiple ways?”

In line with this, Minnery says the group will document collective lessons learned during this emergency to debrief design practitioners about ways to improve building codes and other standards to reduce the chances of another pandemic.