The controversial Jordan Cove liquefied natural gas export terminal in Coos Bay, Ore., received conditional federal approval March 19 to move ahead, but unless the project’s backers can obtain the necessary permits from the state of Oregon, they will not be able to move forward with construction.


该项目的开发人员已经工作了15年,以获得建立该项目的必要批准。总部位于卡尔加里的Pembina Pipeline Corporation于2017年收购了Jordan Cove项目,该项目将向当地经济注入100亿美元,并提供多达6,000个建筑工作,以建立包括Pacific Connector Pipeline在内的LNG终端和相关基础设施。但是俄勒冈州拒绝提供建立项目所需的许可。

The state’s Dept. of Environmental Quality denied a Section 401 Clean Water Act permit for the project in May 2019. Although the DEQ left open the possibility that Pembina could apply again, with more documentation, the firm has not yet done so.


Shortly after FERC’s announcement, Oregon Gov. Kate Brown, a Democrat, said although she has attempted to maintain a position of neutrality, “I want to reiterate that I will not stand for any attempt to ignore Oregon’s authority to protect public safety, health and the environment. … Until this project has received every single required permit from state and local agencies, I will use every available tool to prevent the company from taking early action on condemning private property or clearing land.”

彭比纳(Pembina)高级副总裁兼首席法律官哈里·安德森(Harry Andersen)称,自彭比纳(Pembina)收购该项目以来,乔丹·科夫(Jordan Cove)的FERC决定是“最重要的一步”。该公司坚持认为,该项目的开发商将采用“环境负责”的方法。“ FERC的决定在很大程度上要归因于我们的许多支持者,他们一次又一次地表达了对Jordan Cove的支持,并表明该项目符合公共利益,包括在俄勒冈州南部和落基山脉盆地。”

但其他团体不吃晚饭portive. “FERC’s approval does not change the fact that Oregon has denied this project. Pembina will never be able to show the state of Oregon that this project qualifies for permits under state laws that protect our communities,” says Hannah Sohl, executive director of Rogue Climate, a southern Oregon community organization. “Oregonians from across the political spectrum will continue to stand united until Pembina cancels the proposed fracked gas pipeline and export terminal for good.”