波士顿的一个主要海滨建筑工地设法避免了该市在冠状病毒中关闭商店的建筑活动的关闭。明显的关闭结束了波士顿市长马蒂·沃尔什(Marty Walsh)全市隔离区的泄漏。

A steady trickle of workers could be found early Thursday afternoon, March 26, leaving the construction site for the Ora Seaport, a 304-unit apartment building and an adjacent hotel in Boston’s Seaport. Workers at the site told an ENR reporter they were told to pack it in.



3晚ch 25, Walsh, a Democrat, extended the ban “until further notice." But still, work continued unabated on the new waterfront apartment project. While in the heart of Boston, the Ora Seaport is taking shape on land controlled by the Massachusetts Port Authority, a state entity.

That, however, had all changed by Thursday afternoon, following reports in the local media on the striking exception to the city’s construction ban and inquiries from ENR to the port authority and Suffolk, the lead contractor.

“It sucks,” said one carpenter who asked not to be named as he left the Ora worksite Thursday afternoon. “A lot of us have families we have to take care of. I think it should be up to the individual whether they want to take the risk.”

Contacted about the sudden stop of activity on the worksite, a Suffolk spokesman declined to comment immediately, saying that announcement would be forthcoming.



In one instance there were two cherry pickers, each with two workers apiece in their buckets, with just one worker wearing a mask. There were also clusters of workers standing close to each other and talking, in violation of the six-foot guidelines.

In a statement, Suffolk did not respond to the specific observations, but said the company has taken several precautions at its worksite to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

除了社会距离规则和保持in-person meetings and large gatherings to a minimum, the company is also doing extensive cleaning and “surveying all individuals on jobsites daily to ensure they are symptom free,” said Jeff Gouveia, president and general manager, Suffolk Northeast, in a press statement.




邻近的布鲁克林(Brookline)采取了一种更加动手的方法,使工作可以继续为布鲁克林高中(Brookline High School)增加1.28亿美元。

A supervisor for a steel-erecting subcontractor at the construction job, for which Skanska is the lead contractor, says it “feels weird” to have two communities side by side with two such different approaches.