

The situation in every city and state will differ, too. The goal of ending the pandemic may prevail in many places and all construction may have to stop.

If any worker is worried about contracting the virus and bringing it home, he or she should be excused—no questions asked.

The situation in every city and state will differ, too. The goal of ending the pandemic may prevail in many places and all construction may have to stop.



Many owners and contractors are making sure the masks, hand sanitizer, thermometers and other equipment are where they need to be; otherwise, no one can work safely. If the wipes and paper towels aren’t in abundant supply, managers can’t expect workers to be productive. Just as with work tools, these are the employer’s responsibility to provide.




After several warnings—the exact number depends on the situation—anyone who can’t keep to the pre- or pandemic-time safety routine (PPE, social distance, no showing up while sick), needs to be walked to the project gate and told, “Maybe we’ll see you another time on another job.”



As a test of the project’s virus hygiene protocols, a company’s top managers or owners ought to gear up and walk the jobsite themselves.


由于对正在进行的工作的一些批评指出,施工可能是一项肮脏的工作。但是条件并不是普遍的19thCentury coal mine.

Let’s not penalize the safe jobsites. A pandemic-ready jobsite could be safer than the local Stop ‘n Shop. If it’s not, shut it down.

New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy has decided that construction is essential and has avoided a full state shutdown as has happened elsewhere in the U.S., despite its rising COVID-19 case numbers.

Says one industry official there, “if he sees evidence that social distance can’t be maintained, he can revisit this and he will. The governor has put it on industry to take care of itself. We think we can do that.”

We hope everyone makes wise decisions.