
加利福尼亚/夏威夷列表上的顶级景点属于洛杉矶国际机场(LAX)的项目,这些项目是其55亿美元的Landsid18luck官网e Access Modernational计划(LAMP)的一部分。领先的是洛杉矶世界机场(Lawa)的27亿美元自动化人士(APM)。

APM是一辆电动火车,可在2.25英里高架的导游上运行,六个车站将将机场航站楼连接到新建的合并租赁汽车设施,联运运输设施,扩大的机场停车场和地铁过境。Fluor Corp.领导设计建造的合资团队,称为Linxs Constructors,其中包括Balfour Beatty,Flatiron和Dragados。

ENR California 2019 Top Starts
新利luckEnr Northwest 2019 2019年最高开局


“从设计开始,APM项目的创新方法通过建筑策略融合了对可持续性的关注,从而最大程度地减少能源消耗和不利的环境影响,促进室内环境质量并减少资源消耗,” Linxs建筑商项目总监Sharon Gookin说。“ APM系统正在努力获得铂金等级,而APM的维护和存储设施正在为LEED黄金分类工作。”

另一个17亿美元的项目是旧金山公用事业委员会Biosolids Digesters设施,该设施是该国最大的生物固体项目之一。18luck官网该项目取代了SFPUC最大的废水处理厂的所有固体加工设施。它的设计平均每天8500万加仑,将处理该市废水的80%。

The design team is being led by Brown and Caldwell and includes CH2M (now Jacobs), Black & Veatch, STRUCTUS, SRT consultants, MWA Architects and more than a dozen local firms. The CM/GC project is led by the MWH Constructors/Webcor Builders Joint Venture. Substantial completion is scheduled for 2026, with final completion in 2027.

18luck.cub布朗和考德威尔的项目经理特雷西·斯蒂格斯(Tracy Stigers)表示,由于市场状况的变化,该项目的成本在2019年增加了。“现在有了Covid-19,它将需要再次适应。SFPUC对实现项目目标的承诺仍然完好无损,该团队期待在世界和行业从Covid-19中恢复过来的同时推进该项目。” Stigers说。

Jim Householder, project executive for Sundt, says COVID-19 is also affecting the $350-million Rancho Los Amigos South Campus ISD and Probation Headquarters project in Downey, Calif., for which Sundt is the contractor and SmithGroup is the designer. “Contract negotiations are confidently proceeding with candid communication and leadership exhibited by both the county of Los Angeles and Sundt-SmithGroup teams,” says Householder.


加州也在前五位的列表是T新利luckhe Grand in downtown Los Angeles, a $950-million mixed-used development located near Walt Disney Concert Hall. Designed by Frank Gehry, the Grand is being developed by Related Cos. in partnership with CORE USA. Related is working with AECOM/Tishman to build and manage the project.

Topping the list of 2019 starts in the Northwest is ConocoPhillips Alaska Inc.’s $1-billion Greater Mooses Tooth 2 Oil and Gas Development near Anchorage. The project, which continues the production of oil and gas from federal lands in the 22.1-million-acre National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska, creates a 14-acre pad and up to 48 wells, plus an 8.6-mile pipeline connecting GMT’s Phase 2 with Phase 1.

The $850-plus-million remodel and additions to Seattle’s KeyArena will nearly double the footprint of the 57-year-old arena and move the 400-car parking garage and loading docks underground, while protecting and upgrading the arena’s iconic roof.