DE Storage的运营总监Chris Teetor在特拉华州建造存储单元,移动房屋和其他物业,需要800立方英尺的粘土材料,通常用于池塘中的毛孔。他做了人们通常做的建筑 - 呼唤他所有的联系人,寻找材料 - 无济于事。



He came across an app called Soil Connect and put up a request. “Four days later I got a call and it was free soil. I just paid for hauling and loading,” Teetor says. “I saved $20,000.”


Cliff Fetner,土壤Connect Startup的创始人兼首席执行官,两年前在一个项目中构思了这个想法。


软件开发fi Fetner和他的儿子雇了一个rm to build the beta version of the app. “After nine months, we had several thousand users and over 22 million yards of material posted on our site,” he says. “It is the first institutionally backed platform addressing the movement of soil in the country.”


Fetner used the venture capital received to invest in version two of the app in 2019. “We have a couple thousand more users and posted 83 million cu yd of material,” he says. Soil Connect says the number of users is now around 4,000. The app is still free, although Fetner hopes to someday monetize it.

New features include a text-alert function. “It’s a dirt alert,” says Fetner. Another feature vets the users and materials, as regions vary in terms of regulations and certification of material. “If you need a geotechnical report, you click a box. If you need a soil analysis, you click another box. I can post that I have 10,000 cu yd of certified, clean fill,” says Fetner.

总部位于芝加哥的设计建筑公司Arco/Murray专门从事商业和工业工作,是土壤Connect的战略合作伙伴,提供了反馈和建议。“我们看到了数百个项目的机会,” Arco/Murray技术经理Eric Who18luck官网brey说。“我们有几个土方分包商使用它节省了钱来交易污垢,而不是将其带到垃圾场或付钱让某人拿走它。”

