随着美国陆军工程兵团在4月初开始将会议中心和酒店转换为替代护理设施,以减轻对治疗Covid-19患者的当地医院的压力,最初的计划是照顾芝加哥等地方的COVID-19负面患者McCormick Place,纽约的Jacob K. Javits中心和底特律的TCF中心。在USACE,联邦紧急事务管理局和卫生与公共服务部的领导人看到USACE工程师可以在会议中心空间中做什么之后,该策略发生了变化。

"I was not convinced we could actually change the pressure in these large convention centers to a point that would actually achieve the desired results [of care for COVID-19 positive patients] we're looking for," says Lt. Gen. Todd T. Semonite, chief of engineers and commanding general of the USACE at a Pentagon press conference April 3. "When I was in Detroit the other day with the governor [of Michigan, Gretchen Whitmer] talking to the mechanical engineers, our guys and their guys have done a phenomenal job on some relatively minor changes."

The experience on the ground at the TCF Center and Chicago's McCormick Place convinced Semonite that care for COVID-19 positive patients is an option in what the USACE and FEMA call the convention center model for alternate care facilities. Semonite said the utility of modern convention centers allowed the unexpected shift to caring for more COVID-19 patients. Engineers on the ground found that no significant mechanical changes were needed in most cases. The changes needed were as simple as a couple of technicians going into a mechanical or HVAC control room to make modifications.


Both McCormick Place and the TCF Center are already being converted to facilities that will care for low- to moderate-risk COVID-19 patients, and both will be ready for an expected influx of patients by April 24. Semonite showed a chart of the 9,693 beds the USACE is currently preparing in eight convention centers under nine different contracts across the nation. Of those, only 2,060 are now planned to be non-COVID-19 beds. The remaining 7,633 will be for treatment and convalescence of patients with the virus. There are nine more facilities with 5,039 beds where contracts with the USACE are currently pending and 15 more facilities that are still in an earlier phase of the process. Eight more with 5,643 beds are being built by states and municipalities through their own procurement processes with design assistance from the USACE.

"Any time you have a standard design, we want to continue to learn," Semonite says. "I've been on the ground in the last couple days in New York City to Chicago and Detroit. We have continued to see where our engineers who are actually doing this construction are being pretty innovative in how we site adapt that standard design to give more capability back out to the great doctors and nurses who are going to be taking care of these patients out there."



The USACE has received 750 requests for site assessments for alternate care facilities and has completed 673 to date. Semonite said USACE leadership is in communication with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis [R] and is looking at sites there and that the data and the demographics in Florida are a cause for concern.


Every alternate care facility is being built to the specifications of the medical plan that a mayor or governor wants to use and every site is being delivered with a different contractor. In the TCF Center in Detroit, for example, Semonite said the city asked the USACE to design a manifold system that put pipes in the ceiling to deliver oxygen down into every patient pod in a particular area.

He also stressed that working with Gov. Whitmer, Ill. Governor J.B. Pritzker [D] and local officials on the ground is what helped the USACE, FEMA and HHS shift its strategy.
