
另一个积极的维evelopment regarding the PPP, created in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security, or CARES, Act, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said on April 7 that the White House would ask Congress to add $250 billion to PPP, to supplement the $349 billion that the CARES Act provided for the program.


Competition for the loans has been fierce. A White House official reported on April 6 that more than 10% of the available loan total had already been committed in about three days after PPP's April 3 launch.


The CARES Act states that companies, nonprofits and other entities with 500 or fewer employees are eligible for the loans.

AGC blasts SBA rule

但是在4月2日,SBA发布了一项临时最终规则,为寻求PPP贷款的建筑公司增加了第二条要求 - 他们的年收入还必须保持在SBA设定的限制范围内,该机构用来确定公司是否有资格获得其他公司的资格SBA贷款。

美国相关的总承包商争辩说,SBA的临时最终规则(指出建筑承包商必须达到劳动力大小和年收入限制)本身。[查看4/6/2020 ENR新利luck关于贷款计划争议的故事这里。]。


Stephen Sandherr, AGC chief executive officer, in anApril 7 statement, praised the Trump administration for issuing the new PPP guidance. He said, “This change means the program is now more likely to help smaller firms continue to operate and retain staff.”

美国工程公司委员会发言人杰夫·乌尔班库克(Jeff Urbanchuk)在4月8日通过电子邮件表示:“法律非常清楚,适合500和低头员工指标的工程公司有资格获得新的SBA贷款,以及最新的工程公司财政指导加强了这一点。”

Urbanchuk noted that most engineering firms are small and "are essential to maintaining America's critical infrastructure." He added, "Our recovery coming out of this crisis will depend heavily on these smaller firms being able to use stimulus dollars to keep their people engaged in this essential work."

Bipartisan Backing for PPP Increase

同时,国会山(Capitol Hill)上有强烈的两党情绪,为PPP贷款提供了额外的资金。

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said in an April 7陈述that “it is quickly becoming clear that Congress will need to provide more funding or this crucial program may run dry.”

麦康奈尔说,他正在与姆努钦(Mnuchin)和参议院少数党领袖查克·舒默(Chuck Schumer)(D-N.Y.)合作,并希望参议院于4月9日批准PPP的额外资金,届时参议院将参加Pro fora forma会议。

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) also said more money is needed for the PPP.

舒默和众议院议长南希·佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)(D-Calif。)表示,他们为小型企业提供2500亿美元的支持,但他们希望其中一半的款项“通过社区的金融机构进行渠道,这些机构为农民,妇女以及少数族裔和资深人士拥有农村,部落,郊区城市社区的企业和非营利组织。

They called for an additional $100 billion for hospitals and community health centers and other health systems to provide "desperately needed resources to the front lines of this crisis...."

In addition Schumer and Pelosi want $150 billion for state and local governments and a 15% increase in the maximum benefit under the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program.
