
“Through our collaboration with contractors, other industry partners and labor, we have learned that our contractors are experiencing 25% to 30% absenteeism among labor,” said Ron Lewis, Sound Transit executive director of design, engineering and construction management, in a memo to staff that was provided to ENR. “A number of smaller subcontractors have been unable to perform at all, due to high absenteeism, and many have reported high anxiety among the workforce.”

4月6日的备忘录还提到了材料厂closures, limited capacity delaying concrete delivery and contractors reporting problems implementing social distancing guidelines as factors for the halt.

一些项目将继续进行项目,包括:Hilltop Taco18luck官网ma Link,Federal Way Link扩展(F200设计构建项目),Lynnwood Link扩展,Northgate Link扩展,运营和维护设施 - EAST(OMF-E)(M200)(M200),East Link Link扩展,Redmond Link扩展市中心,Puyallup停车场(声音)和LRV车队扩展项目。

华盛顿州建筑和建筑贸易委员会执行秘书马克·里克(Mark Riker)表示,该地区的供应链目前无法为卫生保健和建筑工人提供足够的个人保护设备(PPE)。

Industry workers will return to jobsites when proper enhanced safety measures are available and in place. Up to 70% of council members are specifically affected by the Sound Transit halt, says Riker.

“With so many unknowns, many members have legitimate concerns about the consequences of what used to be normal behavior,” he adds.


“我认为我们处在一个独特的地方,因为这里的目标确实是将工人安全地带回到工作地点,而业务,劳动力和公共机构之间的努力很高,每个人都在工作中,每个人都同时考虑相同的目标,” says David D’Hondt, AGC of Washington executive vice president.

华盛顿的AGC和州立建筑行业的报告将于4月7日参加第一次每两周预定的会议,与华盛顿州州长杰伊·因斯利(Jay Inslee)和其他行业中的其他人的代表进行了会议,以制定新的安全和健康要求。

州长迈克·福克(Mike Faulk)表示,这些会议是与建筑工人和承包商的圆桌会议对话,以阐明仍在进行的基本项目的安全和健康期望。18luck官网福克说:“最终,我们的目标是为整个行业准备适当的重返工作策略。”“该策略将由工人,承包商,健康与安全专家以及地方政府告知建筑如何安全恢复。”

There is currently no timeline for when non-essential construction will restart, Faulk says.

