Galveston, Texas-based Callan Marine Ltd. has been awarded a $97.9 million contract as part of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Corpus Christi Ship Channel Improvement Project, which aims to deepen and widen the channel. This is the second multi-million dollar contract awarded by the Corps’ Galveston District.

Callan Marine的合同包括基本合同和七个疏ledend Bay Reach的选择,以及以后可以激活的五个选项。

According to the Corps, the project will improve approximately 11.9 miles of the associated shipping channel, effectively widening the channel from the Harbor Island vicinity to approximately 2.7 miles west of the La Quinta, to 530 ft wide and deepening it from 47 ft to 54 ft.

“此合同奖是在成功颁发和完成合同编号之后,在科珀斯克里斯蒂(Corpus Christi)的USACE Galveston工作的第二个主要里程碑。1对于语料库入口频道。“最新合同将包括建立与下Bay Reach频道相邻的两个新的开放式利益用途站点。两项合同成就都可以归因于军团与非联邦赞助商Corpus Christi港之间的积极工作关系。”

Work is scheduled to begin in early summer, with the majority of dredging completed by late 2021. Auxiliary work will continue throughout 2022, with completion expected by April 2023, according to the Corps.
