Tasked with maintaining 23,000 miles of highway, 3,500 bridges and the 35 mountain passes in the state that are open year-round, the Colorado Dept. of Transportation (CDOT) recently reached out to the public for help in creating a plan about how to spend an anticipated $1.7 billion in state funding over the next several years.


“这是巨大的压力有关growth the state is seeing,” says Shoshana Lew, CDOT executive director. In a letter to stakeholders last May, she explained that instead of starting with the age-old question of “how do we pay for it?” the agency is asking “what challenges do we face as a community and what infrastructure investments will help solve them?”

Lew, most recently the COO of the Rhode Island Dept. of Transportation, says reframing the question has helped prioritize the agency’s investments to maximize the reach of taxpayer dollars and deliver transportation projects that move people and goods safely and efficiently throughout Colorado.

“This is in contrast to the agency’s previous plans, which focused on a 25-year future,” says Rebecca White, director of CDOT’s division of transportation development. “All Coloradans want a better road system, and looking out 10 years is more compelling.”

CDOTalso aims to provide transparency and accountability. “The amounts of money we deal with are very big, and unless you can explain in tangible English terms where the money is going, it can seem a bit evasive outside of our four walls,” Lew adds.

Playing Catch-Up

Nearly half of CDOT’s annual budget goes toward maintaining the state’s current highways and byways, with the goal of sustaining at least a C+ road surface grade. But Colorado has grown by 39% over the last 20 years and is projected to grow another 30% in the next 20. Most of that growth has occurred along the Front Range and in select mountain corridors. The state’s main arteries, especially I-25 and I-70, have become choke points as a result.

Meanwhile, some rural roads haven’t received a thorough repaving since the 1970s. An August 2019 report by the Reason Foundation showed that Colorado has slipped to 47th in the nation when it comes to the condition of its rural pavements.


“这是巨大的压力有关growth the state is seeing.”

- Shoshana Lew,执行董事, CDOT


CDOT CFO Jeffery Sudmeier说:“在17亿美元的立法资金中,有超过1.5亿美元用于过境,将近20%分配给农村地区的人行道项目。”18luck官网


Vail Pass(另一个瓶颈)也将被解决,该机构将考虑增加峰值肩车道,就像他们在此钥匙山脉动脉的其他繁忙伸展上所做的那样。这使CDOT可以在最繁忙的旅行时间在每个方向上开设额外的车道。

The very thing that makes the mountain corridor beautiful creates a “geometry problem” that is unique compared with other highway corridors, Lew says. “It’s a geologically complicated environment, and there’s just not space to build out.”

CDOThas ongoing discussions for alternative travel, which includes looking at smaller transit options in the shoulder lanes and adding ridesharing platforms, either on a fixed schedule or according to demand.

Bustang—CDOT’s intercity bus service—has been a popular transit option, with nearly full West Line buses going to specific mountain destinations. The service was put on hold at the end of March due to the state’s COVID-19 social-distancing mandate.


CDOTis working to maintain the continuity of its construction program, with $912 million in projects underway across the state in 2020. Construction began in 2018 and will be complete in 2022 on the $1.2-billion Central 70 megaproject.

The public-private partnership is reconstructing a 10-mile stretch of I-70 between I-25 and Chambers Road in east Denver. One new express lane is being added in each direction, an aging 56-year-old viaduct is being removed and the interstate will be lowered between Brighton and Colorado boulevards. A 4-acre park will be placed over a portion of the lowered interstate near an elementary school.

在丹佛(Denver)的南部,另一个大型项目是在纪念碑和城堡岩石之间的一条高速公路上漫长的高速公路上解决交通拥堵。这项耗资3.5亿美元的I-25 South Gap项目在2019年破土动工。它将在每个方向上将18英里的I-25从两条车道扩大到三个车道。


Other key CDOT projects include the $300-million I-25 North Express Lanes project in Weld and Larimer counties and the $276-million C-470 Express Lanes Project, which widens 12.5 miles of C-470 between I-25 and Wadsworth Boulevard in southwest Denver.

The agency launched two other large projects in 2019: the $250-million I-25 North Express Lanes (Segment Six), which will reduce congestion for travelers in northern Colorado, and the $70-million I-70 Westbound Peak Period Shoulder Lane project, which builds a 12-mile tolled, peak-period shoulder lane, designed to keep freeway traffic flowing in Clear Creek County at peak travel times.

Partnering During a Pandemic


“CDOT’s main contribution during any crisis—whether in a snowstorm or a pandemic—is keeping the roads open,” Lew says. “It’s crucial to maintain vital arteries for people who need to move critical services, and it’s incredibly important to move freight, with so many people relying on the goods being delivered.”


“Our data showed a significant decline in traffic volumes, incidents and congestion before, during and after the state and other public health officials issued orders for business closures, telecommuting and staying home,” says Bob Fifer, CDOT ITS branch manager.

CDOTalso has been instrumental in developing the state’s multi-industry construction guidance, which includes best practices for contractors.

“我们正在在工作场所做事,以智能工作,将船员散布出去。如果他们不能,那么我们将给他们PPE呼吸器和面具。” CDOT的首席工程师史蒂夫·哈雷森(Steve Harelson)说。


“Contractors are sharing their plans with each other, and it has been heartwarming to see,” Harelson says. “We’re all in this together.”