Alabama voters turned down a proposed constitutional amendment on Tuesday to spend $1 billion over a decade to pay for road construction projects.

在11月2日的选举中,大约有57%的人投票反对第三名。如果选民批准了由民主党参议员洛厄尔·巴伦(Lowell Barron)赞助的修正案,那么每年最高可达1亿美元,将从阿拉巴马州信托基金(Alabama Trust Fund)转移,并专门用于道路建设。转移将每年在2020财年进行。

在投票的日子里,北阿拉巴马大学的经济学家基思·马龙(Keith Malone)博士发布了一项研究,该研究表明该修正案将在10年内产生22亿美元的经济影响,并创造9,731个新工作。新利luck

The proposal was strongly opposed by Dr. David Bronner, CEO of The Retirement Systems of Alabama.

Billy Norrell, executive director of the Alabama Road Builders Association, spoke in support of the proposal prior to the election.


该修正案还得到了阿拉巴马州建筑招聘研究所,阿拉巴马州农民联合会,阿拉巴马州商业委员会,阿拉巴马州铁路协会,阿拉巴马州公用事业承包商协会和Vulcan Materials Co.的支持。

The Alabama Trust Fund gets royalties from natural gas wells drilled in state owned waters along the Alabama coast and typically receives more than $100 million annually. The annual withdrawals allowed under Amendment 3 would end if the fund drops below $2 billion. The fund currently has about $2.5 billion.

该修正案将为该州的每个国会区分配500万美元针对特定项目,例如阿拉巴马州港口管理局的移动改善,这是针对Dothan的10号州际公路连接器的研究,Phenix City-FT中的基本重新调整和封闭工作。18luck官网新利luck佐治亚州本宁(Benning),地区,与18luck官网亨茨维尔(Huntsville)的红石阿森纳(Redstone Arsenal)有关的项目以及伯明翰/杰斐逊县地区的大众运输年度拨款。