建造companies large and small and even individuals are making plastic face shields to help augment the dwindling supplies of personal protective equipment for health care workers.

2012年ENR Newsmaker的新利luckDaniel Lax已将其公司Clear-Vu Lighting的生产转换为制造PPE面罩。到目前为止,该公司已经生产了100,000多个盾牌。

“A local hospital came to us for help,” Lax says. “One of our business customers is NYC Transit, and they have 50 people who died so far.” Because Lax and his team have friends and family who have died from COVID-19, “It hits a personal vein,” he says. The Clear-Vu face shields are a two-piece assembly with integrated foam. “For our business, we learned a new capability.”

(ENR的新利luck最新报道的影响OVID-19 pandemic, click here]

其他人则使用3D打印机和激光切割机制造盾牌。在不到一周的时间里,康奈尔大学的建筑,艺术和规划学院将其整个数字制造实验室变成了使用Weill Cornell Medicine验证的设计的设施。校园和康奈尔校友的其他实验室,KPF,Big,Grimshaw和Terreform的其他实验室也加入了努力。

A request from two New Jersey hospitals was the catalyst for engineering students and faculty at Rowan University in southern New Jersey to design and distribute free 3D-printed face masks.

The masks are the brainchild of Ben Saracco, research and digital services librarian for Cooper Medical School at the university, Shreekanth Mandayam, on the faculty of Rowan’s electrical and computer engineering department and George Lecakes, a Ph.D. engineering student and director of Rowan’s Virtual Reality Center.

上个月,在Lecakes的最初原型并不能很好地密封之后,可洗可重复使用的面具是由蒙大拿州Billings Clinic Foundation在线共享的设计中改编的。Rowan修改了Billings设计是由塑料线轴印刷的杯状面具,并配有可移动过滤器。

罗文的面具正在新泽西州南部的库珀大学卫生保健和Inspira Health Systems医院进行测试,学校计划每天生产100次。

通用电气公司正在使用3D打印来生产一个适配器,该适配器可以快速将标准的硬汉和遮阳板转换为面罩,以保护治疗患者的卫生专业人员戴的面具。GE 3D打印单元的工程主管乔什·穆克(Josh Mook)说:“它几乎适合帽子和盾牌的任何组合。”他说,这还允许佩戴者轻松抬起并降低遮阳板。他说,打印适配器大约需要15分钟。

与联合汽车工人合作的约翰·迪尔(John Deere)于4月8日在伊利诺伊州的莫林(Moline)开始生产面罩,并希望最初生产25,000个盾牌。该公司已订购了多达200,000个面罩的物资。